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The policy most in accord with maintaining natural capital is the cap-and-trade system: a limit is placed on the total amount of throughput allowed, in conformity with the capacity of the environment to regenerate resources or to absorb pollution.

The policy in our co truction is to rely mainly on our own efforts, so the accumulation of funds is socialistic. 我们的建设方针是以自力更生为主,资金积累是社会主义性质的。
The policy in our construction is to rely mainly on our own efforts, so the accumulation of funds is socialistic. 我们的建设方针是以自力更生为主,资金积累是社会主义性质的。
The policy is bound to drive the economy into further recession. 这个政策一定会把经济导入更衰败的局面。
The policy is designed to prevent the predominance of one group over another. 该政策旨在防止一些人压制另一些人.
The policy is, however, still rigidly enforced in other parts of the country. 可是,该政策仍然在国家其它地方严格执行。
The policy most in accord with maintaining natural capital is the cap-and-trade system: a limit is placed on the total amount of throughput allowed, in conformity with the capacity of the environment to regenerate resources or to absorb pollution. 最能够维持自然资本的政策是「限量管制与交易系统」,也就是根据环境再生资源或吸收污染的承载力,来制定可容许的最高产出总量。
The policy network theory, as a kind of newly arisen policy analysis type, still exists many immature and one-sided places. 摘要政策网络理论作为一种新兴的政策分析范式,还存在许多幼稚偏颇之处。
The policy of AFTEK aims to provide zero-defect,and competitive products, best quality of service and on-time delivery to our Customers. 本公司的经营方针为:将零缺点、且具有竞争性的产品及最佳的服务,迅速准时的送达到客户手中。
The policy of Bo Sai Clothing Company Limited is as follows: To provide clothing production and technical service to all walks of life and the clothing industry on the basis of traditional procedure and modern equipment; the professional clothing experien 波赛制衣有限公司的宗旨:以传承工艺和依托现代设备为基础,运用自身五十余年来服装生产专业知识所积累的经验,结合国际国内最新服装科技成果和流行款式为社会各界和同行进行生产和技术服务。
The policy of company “Total Customer Satisfaction” is the guide line of our working attitude. 我司为一家总部设在香港的国际贸易公司。
The policy of making only a perfunctory effort or symbolic gesture toward the accomplishment of a goal, such as racial integration. 表面文章一种只对一个要完成的目标、如种族融合而作一些随意的努力或象征性的姿态的策略

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