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Spore morphology of pteridophytes from China IV.Thelypteridaceae 2

Study on the Dynamics of Biomass, Calorific Value and Energy of the Psamophyte Communities during Desertification 沙漠化过程中沙地植物群落生物量、热值和能量动态研究
Mutation Effect of Ultra High Pressure on Industrialized Microbe 超高压在工业微生物诱变选育中的应用初探
Progress in Studies on Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor-like Kinase Gene (SERK) 体细胞胚胎发生相关类受体蛋白激酶基因(SERK)的研究进展
Recombinant Hepatitis B (CHO-derived) Surface Antigen Vaccine and Its Immune Effects 重组乙型肝炎疫苗(CHO细胞)及其应用
Callus Induction and Culture of Physcomitrella patens 小立碗藓愈伤组织诱导和培养
Spore morphology of pteridophytes from China IV.Thelypteridaceae 2 中国蕨类植物孢子形态的研究IV.金星蕨科2
Use of QSAR model to predict the joint toxicity of phenols to photobacterium phosphoreum 用QSAR模型预测苯酚类化合物对发光菌的联合毒性
Application of Microsatellite in Laboratory Animal 微卫星标记及其在实验动物中的应用
Receptor Binding Character of Non-mitogenetic Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor and Its Effects on MAPK Signal Pathway 非促有丝分裂型人酸性成纤维细胞生长因子的受体结合特性及对MAPK信号通路的影响
Identification on Folium Pyrrosiae by X-ray diffraction Fourier fingerprint pattern method 石韦的X射线衍射Fourier指纹图谱鉴定研究
Preliminary Studies on Diatoms from Kanasi in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous 新疆喀纳斯地区硅藻初报

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