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Evil appears deceptively insignificant in the daylight.

Evidently the only possibility is that we have not understood it. 翻译:明显,唯一的可能就是我们没有理解这一表述。
Evidently they were in the midst of a crisis. 显然他们正处于危机中。
Evidently this is purely because I am a foreigner, and it makes me feel rather sad. 显然,这仅仅因为我是一个外国人,这使我感到很难过。
Evidently, he knows nothing about how to repair cars. 很明显,他一点儿也不知道怎样修理小汽车.
Evidently, the English coffee house will symbolize your awareness of the truth of leisure and the taste of life. 显然,英语咖啡屋将体现您对休闲真谛和高品位生活的领悟。
Evil appears deceptively insignificant in the daylight. 凯东:邪恶在白昼总是乔装成不显眼的模样。
Evil by nature and in practice. 邪恶的,缺德的本性和实际邪恶的
Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches. 罪恶来时,尺进寸退.
Evil communications corrupt good manners. 与坏人交往,好人也变坏。 / 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
Evil does not always come to injure. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。
Evil gotten, evil spent. 悖入悖出.

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