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The company is managing the international multi-model transportation business and devoting to the design for the best routes of transportation and constantly improving them and lowering the operating costs for the clients to the full extant.

The company is mainly engaged in scientific research, development, manufacture, operation and international trade of cable TV broadband CISN product, network software, network system engineering, series product of digital TV front end, digital satellite r 公司主要从事有线电视宽带综合信息网络产品、网络软件、网络系统工程、数字电视前端系列产品、数字卫星接收机、数字有线电视机顶盒、光传输设备、数字调谐器、光传输器件的科研开发、生产制造、经营销售和国际贸易业务.
The company is mainly engaged in the producing and applying of the cellular glass products for the construction thermal insulation and sound absorption, which is within one of the projects set up by The National Construction ministry. 公司从事的建筑绝热与吸声装饰泡沫玻璃的生产与应用,是国家建设部立项的科技项目。
The company is mainly engaged in the research,devlopment and production of CMC welding material series including weldingwire,welding rod,welding compound,The main prlducts include CO2 gas-shielded welding wire,submerged arc welding wire ,weathering resist 公司产要产品有:CO2气体保护焊丝、埋弧焊丝、耐侯钢焊丝、不锈钢焊丝、铜及铜合金焊丝、铝及铝合金焊丝、结构钢焊条、不锈钢焊条、铸铁焊条、堆焊焊条、铜基钎料、磷铜钎料、焊剂430、焊剂431等,拥有四大系列六十八个品种一百多种规格焊接材料,是中南地区目前品种规格最全的焊接材料制造企业之一。
The company is mainly involved in the development, production and sales of milk and milk products, the raising and breeding of dairy cattle and bull, the logistics and distribution, and the development, production and sales of nutritious health food. 公司拥有世界一流的乳品加工工艺,形成了消毒奶、保鲜奶、酸奶、超高温灭菌奶、奶粉、黄油干酪、果汁饮料等系列产品,是目前国内最大规模的乳制品生产。
The company is mainly provide a full range of services for landscape design, engineering industries, including: Make drawings (realism, impressionistic, cartoon, hand-painted), small garden design, make and design bids, publishing, marketing information, 公司主要为园林设计、装饰装修、工程行业提供多方面的服务项目,包括:效果图(写实、写意、卡通、手绘等)制作,小型园林方案设计,标书设计制作,图书出版,资料销售,多媒体制作,动画制作,项目设计咨询,设计行业信息咨询和施工建设等。
The company is managing the international multi-model transportation business and devoting to the design for the best routes of transportation and constantly improving them and lowering the operating costs for the clients to the full extant. 公司承办多种形式的国际联运业务,致力于最佳运输路线的设计并不断改善,以最大限度地降低客户运营成本。
The company is not capable of handling such a large order. 6该公司没有能力处理这么一大宗订单.
The company is not short of indents. 该公司不缺订货单。
The company is now carrying case are : high-end real &fake leather phone sets, computer phone sets, MP3 holster, IPOD carrying case, the cap of a pen, a digital camera kits affixed V3 hard shell carrying case, wallets, leather gifts, selling products in E 现公司生产的皮套主要有:高档真(仿)皮手机套、电脑手机套、MP3皮套、IPOD皮套、笔套、数码相机套、V3硬壳贴皮套、银包、礼品皮套等,产品主要畅销于欧美。
The company is now experiencing a major upturn in it's customer base, general productivity and profitability and a reduction in staff absenteeism. 目前,该企业的客户群、整体生产率和利润率都有着明显的好转,而员工的旷工情况明显减少。
The company is now the world's biggest maker of the instant noodles, selling 20 billion packs a year. 日清公司现在是世界上最大的方便面生产商,每年的销售量为200亿包方便面。

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