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The second name in a binomen and in a trinomen [Art. 5].

The second method of repairing a run-on sentence is usually the most effective. (第二种订正的方法则更加常用也更有效。
The second method uses the SDL event queue. 第二种方法是使用SDL的事件队列。
The second most popular way of finding out if a partner has been a love-cheat is to read their e-mails. 42 percent told the UK Undercover Survey that they had carried out such a ploy. 第二个常用手段是看对方的电子邮件,42%的受访对象在接受此项“英国秘密调查”时表示采用过这种方法。
The second mouse gets the cheese. 第二只老鼠得到乳酪起士。
The second movement is a largo. 第二乐章是广板乐章.
The second name in a binomen and in a trinomen [Art. 5]. 即一个二名式名称或三名式名称中的第二个名称[第5条]。
The second occasion where Boolean expressions may seem restrictive is one that scares most people who have looked at the issue from a theoretical perspective: the language of Boolean expressions is relatively limited and doesn't have first-order predicate 很多人从理论角度考察时,又惊惧地发现布尔表达式形似柔弱的第二种情况:使用布尔表达式的语言有局限性,因为不具备一阶谓词演算特性。
The second of a series of 8 poses, this shot shows the swollen brooding pouch very clearly. 这是一系列八张照片中的第二张。照片中,它肿胀的孵卵袋是非常明显的。
The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class. 刹帝利四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层
The second of the proposed bills would allow Japan's coastguard to keep trespassers away from Japanese installations and remove them if they came closer than 500 metres. 拟议中的第二项法案,将允许日本海岸警卫队阻止非法侵入者靠近日本设施,如果侵入者离日本设施的距离小于500米,可将其驱离。
The second officer should correct sharts and nautical publlcations in time to ensure a safe sailing. 二副要及时对海图及图书资料进行改正以确保航行安全。

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