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Composite scores for verbal and visual memory were significantly higher for milk chocolate than the other conditions,Raudenbush said.

Competition Searchis what we're really after, so click on that. 搜索比赛就是我们实际上后,点击.
Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society. 归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。
Complain to one who can help you. 费译:向能够帮助你的人抱怨。
Complaints about noise are not frivolous. Noise disturbs our sleep, prevents people from enjoying their time off work and too often leads to altercations when the police are called in. 关于噪音的投诉并非小事.噪音不但干扰大家的睡眠,使人们不能好好地享受下班后的时间,而且警察被叫来时还常常引起纠纷.
Composing shaping (CS) and describing meaning (DM)are important characteristics of composing system of Chinese art structure. 摘要赋形与写意是中国艺术结构的重要构制特点。
Composite scores for verbal and visual memory were significantly higher for milk chocolate than the other conditions,Raudenbush said. 兰登布什说:“食用牛奶巧克力的实验对象在语言和视觉记忆力方面的综合得分大大高于其他三个小组。”
Compounding this with reduced exercise can lead to poor muscle tone and poor fitness. 再加上缺乏运动,必然导致肌肉松弛和令人担忧的健康问题。
Computer Basic Knowledge Distant Leaning Course a set of six volume, with box packing, each pack sells HK$550. Had printed 2,000 sets, already completely sold. 《电脑通遥距课程》一套六册,用盒包装,是较大型制作,每套售五百五十元,印了二千套,已经全部售出。
Computer crimefirst made the headlines in 1983. 计算机犯罪在1983年首次成为头条新闻。
Computing's New Shape.Economist (Nov. 2002). 计算技术的新形态.〉《经济学家》(2002年11月刊).
Concentrated epidemics in injection-drug users are spilling into the general public,explains De Lay. 德雷解释说:「疫情正由集中在注射毒品使用者蔓延至一般大众。」

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