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In the lumbar region, upper and lower collateral anastomosis of each segmental artery can be obviously found which included 2~3 segments for each segmental artery.

In the longer term, North Korea has been promised economic, energy and humanitarian assistance to the value of 1m tonnes of heavy fuel oil, in total, if it provides a complete list of its nuclear programmes and disables its nuclear facilities. 从长期来看,国际社会许诺,如果朝鲜提交其核计划的全部信息并且摧毁其核设施,那他们将会向朝鲜提供总价值相当于一百万吨燃油的经济、能源以及人道主义援助。
In the longitudinal studies, we demonstrated that long-term TCC practice might delay the decline of cardiorespiratory function. 在纵贯式研究中,太极拳组有45位,而对照组有39位完成两年的追踪。
In the low band of wavelet transform, energy of ground roll wave is normally greater than the average energy in overall band of seismic reflection event, which is regarded as the discrimination criterion for it. 在小波分频后的含面波频带内,同一时刻较强面波能量总要比该时刻全排列的平均能量大得多,这是分频识别强面波的判别准则。
In the lower left corner, there is a drawing number for each drawing. 在画的左下角,都有一个画图的数字。
In the lucid and elegant style, his emotions were well expressed and his poems had particular significance in the late Tang poetry. 他以清词丽句来表达自己的情感,并形成一种特殊的美感境界,在唐末诗坛上具有重要意义。
In the lumbar region, upper and lower collateral anastomosis of each segmental artery can be obviously found which included 2~3 segments for each segmental artery. 胸段动脉多见以横向连接吻合,而腰段除此之外还可见明显的动脉上下2~3节段侧支吻合。
In the lump they were hard working people. 就整体而言,他们都是辛勤的劳动者。
In the luxurious and uncommon meeting rooms and halls of Haitian Celebrity Building, you are shuttling among the Commerce Rooms、Chinese and West Restaurants、Pattery Bar、Alcohol Bar、Piano Platform、KTV Room、Swimming Pool、Sauna Bathroom……open, romantic, resp 在海天名人豪华别致,气势非凡的会所里,您的身影或穿梭于商务间、中西餐厅,或流连于陶吧、酒吧、琴台、KTV包房、泳池、桑拿室……开放的,浪漫的,尊贵的,安逸的,休闲的,宁静的……入主海天名人广场,您的拥有更显辉煌,与500位名贵朝夕相处,商务社交,以另一种方式,让您高瞻远瞩。
In the machining process, the vibration signals of the tools can be gathered by the data acquisition card, and then the turning tools wear monitoring model is built after the signals are filtered through the method of multivariate statistical analysis. 在加工过程中,数据采集单元实时采集刀具的振动信号,经过数字滤波,运用多元回归建模技术,建立了车削过程刀具磨损监测模型。
In the main (No. Ⅰ) orebody, it is characterized by high As content but low Sb, in No. Ⅱ orebody, it is characterized by high Sb content but low As; in both orebodies, it is characterized by high Zn content and insignificant temporal and spatial variation 在以铜为主的主矿体(Ⅰ号矿体)中,黝铜矿几乎均属锌砷黝铜矿,含银甚低,其化学成分在时空分布上变化不大且无显著的变化规律,不同类型矿石之间黝铜矿的成分变化也不大;但在以铅锌为主的次要的Ⅱ号矿体中黝铜矿含一定量的银。
In the main these have been minor and part of the typical refinement that takes place during the CD phase of works. 但总体来说,这些都是小改动,仅仅是施工图阶段的一些惯常的?????

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