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Good night. Mrs. Higgins. I'm truly sorry.

Good morning, Little Red Cap,he said. “早上好,小红帽。”他说。
Good morning, wolf,she answered. “早上好,狼先生。”她回答道。
Good morning,I said, but he didn't return the greeting. “早上好。”我说,但他并没有回答我的问候。
Good morning,he said, copying his father's voice. 他模仿他父亲的嗓音说道:早安。
Good night,said the younger waiter. 再见啦,那个年轻的侍者说。
Good night. Mrs. Higgins. I'm truly sorry. “再见,希金斯夫人。我真地很抱歉。”
Good! Old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. Come, come sit down with me and rest. “好,老树根最适合用来倚靠和休息。来吧,过来坐,休息一下”。
Good! So I guess you like cats, too, right? Yippie! “太好了!我猜你们也喜欢猫猫,对吧?耶!”
Good!Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest,Come,come sit down with me and rest. “好啊。”树一边说,一边努力挺直身子。“正好啊,老树根是最适合坐下来休息的。来啊!孩子,坐下来,坐下来休息。”
Goodis the positive form of the adjective, betteris the comparative. 好是该形容词的原级,更好'是比较级。
Good,Mr. Perry answered. I'll have a good lunch. 不错,佩里先生回答说:我可以美餐一顿了。

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