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I'm happy to present another Podcast in this series, Adventures in Field Recording,presented in both English and Mandarin.

I'm hanged if I know (ie I don't know at all) what to do. 我根本不知道该怎样办.
I'm hanged... 我保证没有...
I'm hanging this picture on the wall. 我正在把这幅画挂到墙上去。
I'm happiest when I'm with you. 和你在一起时,我最快乐了.
I'm happy to help you anytime. 我随时都乐意帮助你。
I'm happy to present another Podcast in this series, Adventures in Field Recording,presented in both English and Mandarin. 很高兴我又要介绍给各位这一集的『马修野地录音大冒险』,内容包括了英语和国语。
I'm happy to share what I can, because I'm in it for the love of programming. 能将我所知与人分享,我感到高兴,因为我身在其中、热爱编程。
I'm happy with the new mayor?. 我喜欢这位新市长。
I'm hardly functional if I don't get eight hours' sleep! 我要是不睡上八个小时就无法工作。
I'm hardworking and organized, and I work well with others. 我工作勤奋,有组织能力,而且与他人共事融洽。
I'm haunted with gloomy thoughts and sad memories. 我常为悲观的思想和悲痛的追念所困扰。

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