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The search for interstellar dust is just as important as the analysis of the cometary dust, but since everyone expected that the search for interstellar dust would take years, there is no official Preliminary Examination period for this.

The search for a unified theory is a central activity in theoretical physics today, and just as Einstein foresaw, geometric concepts play a key role. 追寻统一理论是今天理论物理的中心行动,而正如爱因斯坦所预见的,几何观念在其中扮演了关键角色。
The search for an effective mechanism to mobilize the economy for war began as early as 1939and continued for nearly four years. 为战时经济动员寻求有效机制早在1939年就已经开始,并在此后近4年间继续进行。
The search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (Seti) project, based at the University of California in Berkeley, uses land-based telescopes to scour the universe for electromagnetic waves. 寻找外星智能计画,位在加州大学柏克莱分校,使用使用地面望远镜搜索宇宙中的电磁波。
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for a generally acceptable cosmic context for the human species. 对于地球外智慧生命的研究是为了人类研究一种总的来说可接受的宇宙背景研究。
The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness. 追求快乐是不快乐的一大根源。
The search for interstellar dust is just as important as the analysis of the cometary dust, but since everyone expected that the search for interstellar dust would take years, there is no official Preliminary Examination period for this. 寻找星际尘埃如同分析彗星尘埃一样重要,由于每个人都认为寻找星际尘埃需要花费数年的时间,因此没有官方的初步考察阶段。
The search for six missing miners in Utah has been suspended indefinitely. 针对六名被困矿工的搜救工作被无限期搁置。
The search for the missing child is still in progress. 对于那名失踪儿童的搜索仍在进行中。
The search goes on for the other two. 救援队继续在寻找另外两名失踪者。
The search has begun for victims in the Indonesia earthquake, a massive 8. 4 quake hit on Sumatra Island. At least ten people have died. Tsunami warnings land in the Indian Ocean. 对印度苏门达腊岛发生的里氏8.4级强烈地震的受难者的搜救行动已经展开,目前已发现至少十人死亡。有关方面已经发出了印度洋海啸预警。
The search has begun for victims in the Indonesia earthquake, a massive 8. 4 quake hit on Sumatra Island. At least ten people have died. Tsunami warnings line the Indian Ocean. 印尼地震之后的搜救工作已经开始。这次巨大的8.4级地震袭击了苏门答腊岛,造成至少10人死亡。印度洋已经拉响了海啸的警告。

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