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Blood disorders are generally divided into hemorrhage, blood stasis and hemopenia.

Blood can be cleaned by osmosis if the kidneys have failed. 若肾功能衰退, 可通过渗透作用使血液净化.
Blood cells are suspended in fluid plasma and therefore are characteristically round in shape. 血细胞悬浮于血浆中,血细胞呈特殊的双面凹陷的圆形。
Blood circulates in the body. 血液在体内循环。
Blood circulates through the body. 血液在体内循环。
Blood coagulates in air. 血液遇到空气就凝结.
Blood disorders are generally divided into hemorrhage, blood stasis and hemopenia. 血病的表现,一般分为出血、瘀血和血虚。
Blood elves and Night elves will now be able to marry and have children, as intended. 现在血精灵与暗夜精灵可以结婚生子了,如同当初设计的那样。
Blood flow to the muscles and skin of the limbs was also found progressively to decrease. 人体肌肉和四肢皮肤的血液循环也日益减少。
Blood flow was allowed to return to baseline before the next occlusion was begun. 在开始下一次阻断前让血流回复到基础状态。
Blood flows round the body. 血液在体内循环.
Blood from the wound had caked on his face. 伤口的血在他脸上结成了硬块。

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