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Tiro the robot assisted at the wedding of Seok Gyeong-Jae, one of the engineers who designed it, and his bride at Daejeon, 130 kilometres (78 miles) south of Seoul.

Tired of the pomps and vanities of this heartless world, he chose to live in obscure loneliness. 他看透了尘世间的浮华,并选择了孤身独处/孑然一身。
Tired of the sterile look of chrome and tile many people are choosing the warmth of wood again. 人们厌倦了毫无生气的铬金属材料和瓷砖,再一次选择了有温暖感的木质材料。
Tired people can be found in offices everywhere from the equator, where the sun shines down directly, to the Arctic Circle, where for half the year folks get much less direct sunlight. 从日照充足的赤道到半年都晒不到太阳的北极圈,劳累的办公室工作者随处可见。
Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way. 你不能以疲劳为理由就这样对待职工.
Tires are usually made of rubber. 轮胎通常由橡胶制成。
Tiro the robot assisted at the wedding of Seok Gyeong-Jae, one of the engineers who designed it, and his bride at Daejeon, 130 kilometres (78 miles) south of Seoul. 这个名叫泰罗的机器人为它的设计工程师之一锡京载的婚礼担任了司仪,锡工程师的婚礼在位于首尔以南130公里的大田市举行。
Tis a fine enough day to travel. Many a battle has been fought on a day just such as this. 阿诺门:这真是个旅行的好日子,有好多的战斗都是在这种日子里进行的。
Tis a well spent penny that saves a groat. 善花一便土,节约四便土。
Tis almost morning; I would have thee gone: And yet no further than a wanton's bird; Who lets it hop a little from her hand, like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves, and with a silk thread plucks it back again, so loving-jealous of his liberty. 天快要亮了;我希望你快去;可是我就好比一个淘气的女孩子,像放松一个囚犯似的让她心爱的鸟儿暂时跳出她的掌心,又用一根丝线把它拉了回来,爱的私心使她不愿意给它自己。
Tis altogether vain to learn wisdom and yet live foolishly. 枉自学聪明,却做愚蠢事。
Tis dreary, my raven, this time we spend here tapping toes. 海尔达利:真是无趣啊,我的乌鸦。我们在此浪费时间抖动脚趾头。

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