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After the examination, the sandstone is zero radioactivity, non-toxic, tasteless, no pollution ,sound-absorbing, moisture-absorbing, moistureproof, slip resistance , light-absorbing and so on,it is a natural environmental protection stone material which t

After the establishment and development of geo-politics in 20th century, the birth of geo-economics took place in the developed countries at the threshold of the new millennium. 继19世纪末、20世纪初地缘政治学产生与发展之后,新世纪之交在西方发达国家诞生了地缘经济学。
After the establishment of the Communist groups of the CPC in Europe they pay more attention to the popularization and education of Marxist theory among the labourers and unite them in the establishment of anti-imperialist united front, which results in t 中共旅欧党团组织成立后,更加注重在华工中开展马克思主义理论宣传和教育工作,并团结他们建立反帝统一战线,华工们思想觉悟有很大提高,并自觉投入反帝爱国运动。
After the establishment of the Soviet Union, the national equality theory advocated by Lenin encouraged the Jews. 苏联建立后,列宁的民族平等理论更是给了犹太人以极大的鼓舞。
After the establishment of the basic network is completed, it will develop in the surrounding countries and Asian-Pacific countries. 四、在中国的基本网络搭建完成之后,进一步向周边及亚太地区国家拓展。
After the exam, he went out with other friends without saying anything to me. 考试之后,他什么也没说,就和其他朋友出去了。
After the examination, the sandstone is zero radioactivity, non-toxic, tasteless, no pollution ,sound-absorbing, moisture-absorbing, moistureproof, slip resistance , light-absorbing and so on,it is a natural environmental protection stone material which t 经检测,砂岩是一种具有无放射性,无毒,无味,无污染,吸音,吸水,防潮,防滑,吸光等特点的天然环保石材,是大理石与花岗岩不可比拟的。
After the exhibition, the exhibitor can be refund all the margin in case the safety of the facilities of “the Center” is not harmed; for exhibitors who want to have perennial exhibition, their margin of exhibition reputation can be automatically altered t 展期结束,无损坏“中心”设施安全的,全额退还给参展企业,愿意继续常年驻展的企业,其信誉保证金可自动转为“中心”企业展示费用。
After the experiment, the article analyzed results with SPSS and sampled the answers given by testees, then it comes to a conclusion: the interactive approach is more suitable to them, and during the first year, teachers should emphasize particularly on t 实验结果表明:(1)交互式方法对该类学生更为有效;(2)在采用交互式方法进行教学时,应侧重训练学生自下而上处理信息的能力。
After the experimental certification, the application of mathematical morphology for image post-processing enhanced the visibility and the accuracy of the segmentation results of wood surface defect images. 经实验验证,应用数学形态学进行图像后处理,增强了木材缺陷图像分割结果的可视性和准确性。
After the expiration of the contract, Licensee shall still have the right to use the know-how supplied by Licensor and still have the right to design, manufacture, use and sell the contract products. 本合同终止后,受让方仍有权使用出让方提供的专有技术,有权设计、制造、使用和销售合同产品。
After the expiration of the preferential policy, if the enterprise keeps on with investing another 5 million yuan,the exceeded value-added tax according to last year will enjoy another 5 years for a cut-back of 50% of the value-added tax. 凡工业企业在享受优惠期满后,继续增资扩股投入500万元以上,形成企业增值税超过上年的部分,其本级留成部分5年内继续按50%予以奖励。

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