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The design of the control system of the ozone disinfector is introduced. All kinds of actions in the timer interruption routines are organized so as to fulfill the user's intention.

The design of such a system shall conform to China's financial market that is evolving to open further, and avoid the negative effect arising from the unidirectional movement of RMB's rate toward USD so as to make our policy of exchange rate more valid an 汇率目标区制度的设计符合中国金融市场渐进式的开放路径,选择汇率目标区可以避免人民币汇率单向运动带来的负面影响,增强汇率政策的有效性和灵活性。
The design of the STC tested Mark is perfectly identical, enabling consumers to make the best shopping choice by recognizing those products bearing the STC tested Mark. 优质「正」印形象鲜明,让消费者购物时能够容易认出贴有优质「正」印标签的产品,作出最佳的购物选择,同时亦可保证该产品的性能及品质达到一定水平。
The design of the air-water heat exchanger, hot-water supplying system, recycling water heating system, intellingent control system and other relative accessories of the oil-fired smoke waste heat reutilization system of large-scale dining room were intro 世界石油等化石燃料供应的短缺,天然气和其他原料价格的上扬,以及对温室气体减排的要求,已驱使人们转向可再生资源的开发,并且越来越关注生物炼油厂的发展前景.
The design of the biogas project,the system structure and the relationships among the components of the integrated farm,and the development process of its social,economic and ecological benefits during 1983~1993 were analyzed. 分析了该场沼气工程的设计和系统结构及各组分之间的相互关系,以及1983~1993年该场社会、经济和生态效益的演变过程。
The design of the body frame topologic structure is presented, using FEM-based topological optimization technique. 摘要利用基于有限元法的拓扑优化技术设计车身大骨架的拓扑结构。
The design of the control system of the ozone disinfector is introduced. All kinds of actions in the timer interruption routines are organized so as to fulfill the user's intention. 摘要介绍了臭氧消毒机控制系统的设计和实现。着重讨论了如何利用定时器协调各种操作,实现使用者控制意图。
The design of the downstream water supply during the construction of Yunlong Reservoir is presented, in which the problem from the downstream water supply during the construction period of the flood discharge tunnel, the main dam, the initial impoundment 摘要著重介绍云龙水库施工期下游供水设计,根据工程特点,较好地解决泄洪导流隧洞施工期、大坝施工期、水库蓄水、导流隧洞封堵施工期等下游供水问题,施工方法简单,确保了下游供水,取得了较好的社会和经济效益。
The design of the experiment is to first accept the experimental group in the experimental teaching and then to delay the acceptance of the waiting-list control group. 选定高雄市一所国小三年级国语文学业低成就学生50名(男31名,女19名)为研究对象,运用本研究所建置的「语词花园」教学网站,进行词汇觉识两阶段的教学。
The design of the hollow billiards of Century CK Security Locks is plane and heterotype, It can enhance the billiard very poor precision and key sealed,it can reduce the rate of mutual opening, Improving mechanical properties of security. 世纪西科防盗锁锁芯的上弹子设计成平面异形空心弹子,提高弹子的极差精密度和密钥量,减少锁具间的互开率,提高机械防盗性能。
The design of the module structure , including machining control and software emulator , the hardware's composing , and the interpolation of C program in AVR micro-controller are detailed introduced. 而带锥度的异形模具需求的日益增加,必然对电火花线切割机的上下异形加工性能提出更高的要求。
The design of the nanobattery enables it to lie dormant for at least 15 years, perhaps as a power source for a sensor that monitors radioactivity or one that tracks the buildup of toxic chemicals. 奈米电池的设计让它可休眠至少15年,或许可当做感测器的电源,用以监测放射线,或是追踪毒性化学物的累积。

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