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Very impressive,said Liu Zhaoxu, a 17-year-old from Beijing, after scoping out the Gates place from the tour boat's deck.

Vedan and Javan paid for your wares from Uzal; wrought iron, cassia and sweet cane were among your merchandise. 结27:19威但人、和雅完人、拿纺成的线、亮铁、桂皮、菖蒲、兑换你的货物。
Vegansexualsis the name given to people who not only don't eat any meat or animal products, but also choose not to be sexually intimate with non-vegan partners. 「素食性关系者」是封给不仅完全不吃肉或动物制品,也选择不与非素食伴侣有亲密性行为者的名称。
Veronique is a typical example of a film about a woman because women feel things more acutely, have more premonitions, greater sensitivity, greater intuition. 「《两生花》是一齣典型的女性电影,因为女性对事物有更敏锐的触觉,她们比男性有更强的预感,更富于感性和直觉。」
Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. 大家十分激动,挖了一个两英尺深的坑。
Very good,said the grocer, and he noted down the sale. “好的,”杂货店老板马上把这笔生意记了下来。
Very impressive,said Liu Zhaoxu, a 17-year-old from Beijing, after scoping out the Gates place from the tour boat's deck. 今年十七岁的刘兆旭(译音)来自北京,他从游船甲板上仔细观察盖兹的住处后说:「真让人印象深刻。」
Very little,the informant replied. Most in Freeport were asleep when it happened, though of course the intensity of the light awoke them. “非常少。”提供情报的人回答道。“当它发生时,自由港的大多数人还在睡觉,虽然理所当然的那强光惊醒了他们。”
Very well,Bathsheba replied, I will speak to the king for you. 18拔示巴说,好,我必为你对王提说。
Very well,he said, I will let you bake your bread over cow manure instead of human excrement. 15于是他对我说,看哪,我给你牛粪代替人粪,你要将你的饼烤在其上。
Vicini, my father and Zoff were all calm, steady people, whereas Sacchi was an obsessive perfectionist, always anxious. 维克尼、我父亲以及佐夫都是很沉着冷静、扎实稳定的人,然而萨基总是那种力求进步而追求完美的人。
Victory belongs to the most persevering. 坚持必将成功。

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