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Chicheng Rhythm Musical Instrument Corp.,Ltd produces and sells all of kinds of musical instrument.Including trumpet,flute,clarinet,saxophone,pocket trumpet,French horn,trombone and tubo etc.

Chicago University Law Library--- 芝加哥大学法学院图书馆.
Chicago and Indianapolis will meet in Super Bowl XLI at Miami. 芝加哥队和印第安纳波利斯将在迈阿密角逐第41届超级杯冠军。
Chicago, the metropolis of the Midwest. 芝加哥,中西部的大都会
Chicago. I'm trying to locate a Donna Gregory on Michigan Avenue. 芝加哥。我想查一下密歇根大街的道纳·格里高里的电话。
Chicagodig, if you slightly modify your WIFE, I think she would be more adorable! 如果你稍微修改一下你的太太,我想她会更可爱!
Chicheng Rhythm Musical Instrument Corp.,Ltd produces and sells all of kinds of musical instrument.Including trumpet,flute,clarinet,saxophone,pocket trumpet,French horn,trombone and tubo etc. 赤城胡义乐器有限公司生产经营各种规格的小号、长笛、黑管、萨克斯、手掌号、园号、长号、抱号等西洋管乐器及配件,其中我厂生产的各种中高档小号经专家鉴定属于国内的优质产品。
Chichester College is delighted to have been selected as the winners of the prestigious British Council Beacon Award for International Student Support. 因契彻斯特大学在支援国际学生学习及生活上杰出的表现,荣获英国政府颁发笔康奖.
Chichester calmly got into bed and went to sleep. 奇切斯特镇静地钻进被窝,睡着了。
Chichester followed the route of the great nineteenth century clipper ships. 奇切斯特沿着19世纪大型三桅帆船的路线航行。
Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends' at tempts to dissuade him. 奇切斯特不顾朋友们的劝阻,再次启程了。
Chichester was already 58 years old when he won the first solo transatlantic sailing race. 奇切斯特在首届横渡大西洋单人航海赛中夺魁时,已经五十八岁。

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