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Compares with the single row circular cone roller bearings, has may withstand the big radial direction load primarily radial direction load, mainly uses in withstanding the radial direction load primarily diameter, the axial union load function.

Compared with/to many women, she was indeed very lucky. 与许多妇女相比,她确实很幸运了.
Compares the pumping and recharging well (PRW) with the standing column well (SCW). 摘要比较了抽灌同井与单井循环系统的异同点。
Compares two groups of files to find information that does not match. (See FC command). 比较二组文件以判断是不是匹配.(参见FC命令).
Compares with the international colleague company, the Sichuan crown reaches the company regardless of is not all inferior in the technical strength and the grade of service, moreover its service plan draws close to the market demand, the service reaction 与国际同行公司相比,四川冠达公司无论是在技术实力和服务质量上都毫不逊色,而且其服务方案更贴近市场需求,服务反应速度和服务价格水平更有竞争力。
Compares with the same centripetal ball bearing, has the big radial direction load bearing capacity, mainly is suitable for the cold hot-rolling mill, working roll support rolls and so on cogging mill. 与相同的向心球轴承相比,有较大的径向负荷承载能力,主要适用于冷热轧机,开坯机等工作辊支承辊。
Compares with the single row circular cone roller bearings, has may withstand the big radial direction load primarily radial direction load, mainly uses in withstanding the radial direction load primarily diameter, the axial union load function. 与单列圆锥滚子轴承相比,具有可承受较大径向载荷为主的径向负荷,主要用于承受径向负荷为主的径、轴向联合负荷作用。
Compares with tradition way of robot control and analyses each advantage, and introduces system frame, in what follows discusses the key techno-logy of system, in the end the prototype system has been implemented. 与传统的机器人控制方法作比较,分析了各自的优势,介绍了系统框架,讨论了系统实现中的关键技术,最后实现了原型系统。
Comparing ICFS with mobile roaming services, your business can save up to 70%. If you run errands to Japan or Korea, we can help you solving the roaming problem. 使用全球飞漫游服务,最多可节省70%以上的手机国际漫游费。如您出差至日本、韩国,更能为您解决中国手机无法漫游的问题。
Comparing Variable Selection Methods for Microarray Classification Models Based on Logistic Regression. 根据逻辑回归方法来对微阵列归类模型做各种不同选择方法的比较。
Comparing biology with physics,Scientists forsightfully think that what physics was to the 20th century,biology will be to the 21st ---and the RNA wil be a vital part of it. 科学家们把生物学和物理学进行了比较,很富有远见地地认为现今的21世纪将是生物学的世纪。
Comparing the PPP with the actual rate is one test of whether a currency is undervalued or overvalued. 将该PPP与实际汇率进行比较,可以检验一国汇率是否被高估或者低估。

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