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The phenomenon of lymphocytes attacking cancer cells could even be seen under the electron microscope. The typical apoptosis cell and apoptosis bodies as well as the collagen fibrae lined in mass could also be seen in the group.
克星组则以肿胀变性坏死为主伴大量淋巴细胞浸润 ,电镜发现淋巴细胞明显攻击癌细胞现象 ,多数可见典型凋亡细胞或 (和 )凋亡小体与成簇状排列的胶原纤维。

The perturb & observe algorithms and Incremental Conductance Algorithm are mainly introduced for MPPT. MPPT方法主要介绍了扰动观测法和电导增量法,实现了功率寻优要求。
The phase of carpel differentiation and pistil differentiation were were relatively short, only about - days, and the phase from inflorescence primordium differentiation to sepal differentiation is relatively long. 其中雄蕊分化期、雌蕊分化期分化速度最快,持续时间仅为 ~d,而从花序原基分化期至小花花萼分化期分化较慢。
The phase velocity and group velocity of De Broglie wave De Broglie波的相速与群速
The phasmid infected with E coli XLOLR were spread out on the kanamycin resistant LB flat plate. 感染大肠杆菌XLOLR,铺于卡那霉素抗性的LB平板;
The phenomenon myosis is found in 0 cases during the laseranterior capsulotomy. 在 0例利用YAG激光施行前囊膜切开术中发现了瞳孔回缩现象。
The phenomenon of lymphocytes attacking cancer cells could even be seen under the electron microscope. The typical apoptosis cell and apoptosis bodies as well as the collagen fibrae lined in mass could also be seen in the group. 克星组则以肿胀变性坏死为主伴大量淋巴细胞浸润 ,电镜发现淋巴细胞明显攻击癌细胞现象 ,多数可见典型凋亡细胞或 (和 )凋亡小体与成簇状排列的胶原纤维。
The phenomenon of regional synchronic contamination in North China plain is restricted by persistently steady zephyr at high altitude and various steady synoptic types at low altitude. 华北平原区域性同步污染现象受制于高空持续稳定的西风及低空各类稳定的天气型配置。
The phenon clustered with type strains of Rhizobium and the phenon 7 and 8 were clustered with reference strains of Sinorhizobium and Agrobacterium, respectively. 群与Rhizobium内的已知参比菌株聚群; 群7和群8分别与Sinorhizobium和Agrobacterium的已知参比菌株聚群。
The phoenix worship of China is fetish worship not totem adoration. 中国凤崇拜是灵物崇拜而非图腾崇拜。
The phonetic notations include three authors' notations: Zheng Ang's (郑昂) which were collected in the Feng Meng Ji Zhu Du Gong Bu Shi (《分门集注杜工部诗》) , Cat Cheng's (蔡沈) Shu Jing JiZhuan (《书经集传》) and Xiong Gangda (能刚大) Xing Li Qun Shu Ju Jie(《性理群书句解》). 我们选择宋代《分门集注杜工部诗》中福州人郑昂的音注、建阳人蔡沈《书经集传》和熊刚大《性理群书句解》中音注作为研究对象。
The phonon and energy splitting in the D_( d)minima for the T_( u)h_ g Jahn-Teller system* T_(u)h_gJahn-Teller系统:D_( d)势阱中的频率分解与能级分裂

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