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But maybe a boy with a wrench and a screwdriver can fix the robot so that it won't be too perfect!

But many want better governance and a legal system that protects them. 但许多人希望得到改善的统治和保护他们的司法体制。
But marches and sit-ins continued in front of college headquarters through Wednesday, students said. 但是学生说整个星期三游行和静坐都在学校指挥部门前进行。
But marketing research is the study of all processes involved in getting goods from the producer to customers. 但是销售调查就是研究把产品从厂家转向消费者之间的一切过程。
But mathematical science, which is the only real science that the entire civilized world has agreed upon, furnishes unmistakable proof of history repeating itself and shows that the cycle theory, or harmonic analysis, is the only thing that we can rely up 但是数学,这个作为整个文明世界都一致公认的唯一真正的科学,对历史自身重演(这种现象)或者说谐波分析给出了明白无误的证明并展示了循环的真理,(数学)是我们探知未来唯一可以凭借的东西。
But mathematically you can still phrase it in terms of a field, which turns out to be related to the geometry of spacetime. 但从数学上讲你仍然可以用场来进行描述,将它和时空结构联系起来。
But maybe a boy with a wrench and a screwdriver can fix the robot so that it won't be too perfect! 但孩子们可以用扳手和螺丝刀,把机器人改装得不那么精明!
But maybe only after you write down the initial ideas and think about the sprite textures might you think about the more detailed game play - how many lives does each player have, how do you find out if the ball hits the paddle edges, and how do you handl 但是可能就在你写下最初的构想后,你会考虑更详细的游戏玩法——每一个玩家有几条命,你如何知道球碰到了挡板边沿,然后如何处理。
But maybe the most wonderful surprise in the future will be weather control. Cities may have giant plastic domes over them to keep out snow, rain, or storms. 但是,或许未来最大的惊奇是天气的控制。城市将有巨大的塑料圆顶罩在上空来防雪、雨或风暴。
But maybe they got the ammunition to defeat human nature as convincingly. 也许他们得到了弹药表现出足够的说服力来击败对手.
But meeting a real Harry Potter can be a little puzzling for the kids. 不过,见到真哈利·波特对孩子们来说也有点困惑。
But members of the cartel signalled they might reduce output later this year to limit any further fall in world oil prices. 但欧佩克成员国表示,它们可能在今年晚些时候削减产量,以抑制国际油价进一步下跌。

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