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Torsional rigidity is vital to minimise the scuttle shake associated with most convertible cars and to help maintain the car's dynamic composure.

Torrez noticed what a eared to be makeup on the baby's forehead, Corvington said. When she ru ed the forehead, makeup came off what was covering a small birthmark. 科文顿说,特蕾兹注意到了婴儿额头上有用化妆品涂抹的印记。她擦了擦孩子的额头,化妆品所掩盖的一小块胎记露了出来。
Torrez noticed what appeared to be makeup on the baby's forehead, Corvington said. When she rubbed the forehead, makeup came off what was covering a small birthmark. 科文顿说,特蕾兹注意到了婴儿额头上有用化妆品涂抹的印记。她擦了擦孩子的额头,化妆品所掩盖的一小块胎记露了出来。
Torsion of the ovary is uncommon but may occur in adults in conjunction with benign ovarian cysts or neoplasms and in children or infants spontaneously. 卵巢的扭转是不常见的,但当成人患有良性卵巢囊肿或肿瘤时可能发生,在幼儿或婴儿中通常是自发形成。
Torsion spring checks shall have reversible elastomer discs and in operation produce drip tight closure against reverse flow caused by backpressure or backsiphonage. 扭力弹簧止回阀应该配置双向合成橡胶阀瓣,并且在工作时对于反压力和反虹吸所产生的回流具有防滴漏关闭性能。
Torsion with infarction of a segment of greater omentum was the unexpected finding in both cases. 手术的方式是将扭转坏死的网膜切除。
Torsional rigidity is vital to minimise the scuttle shake associated with most convertible cars and to help maintain the car's dynamic composure. 对于大多数敞篷车,扭转刚性对减小风挡振动和保持动态稳定性特别重要。
Torsional shear-high-strength bolts should all shake their heads to finally shake off the tail end of Plum, not omission. 扭剪型高强螺栓应全部拧掉尾部梅花头为终拧结束,不准遗漏.
Torsional vibration of a circular piezoelectric shell of polarized ceramics mounted on a rotationally vibrating base was analyzed. 摘要以线性压电理论为基础,分析了压电陶瓷圆柱壳的扭转振动问题。
Tortoise: Don't be so sure! 乌龟:别这么自信!
Tortoise: I'm racing with Miss Rabbit. 乌龟:我在和兔子小姐赛跑哩。
Tortoise: No,I'm not.Your mummy is over there. 乌龟说:不,我不是。你的妈妈在那里。

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