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Optimization of Extraction Process for Radix Paeoniae Alba by Orthogonal Design;

Freeze-drying Cryoprotectant Optimized by Orthogonal Experiment for Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans; 正交法优化嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌冷冻干燥保护剂
Study on Best Electric Roasting Technology of Epimedium of Goats Fat by Orthogonal Design; 正交法优选淫羊藿羊脂油炙电烤工艺
Optimize Elution Conditions of Coptis Extract in Megaporous Resin by Orthogonal Design; 正交设计法优化黄连提取液大孔树脂洗脱条件
Optimum Selection Processing Study of Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae soaked and cut by Orthogonal Design; 正交设计法优选白术的浸润与切制工艺
Optimum extraction of polysaccharide from cordyceps sinensis established by orthogonal test; 正交设计优化冬虫夏草多糖的提取工艺
Optimization of Extraction Process for Radix Paeoniae Alba by Orthogonal Design; 正交试验法优选白芍的水提工艺
Discussion on Processing Methods of Cortex Eucommiae by Orthogonal Experimental Design; 正交试验探讨杜仲的炒制方法
An association of apoA with thrombus and atherosclerosis; 脂蛋白A与血栓及动脉粥样硬化的关系
Study on the effect of nursing intervention on the life style in patients with fatty liver; 脂肪肝患者生活方式的护理干预及效果评价
The investigation of the relationship between fatty liver and obese,blood lipid,plasma glucose; 脂肪肝与肥胖、血脂、血糖关系的研究
Effects of transplantation of neural cell from adipose tissue-derived stem cell on the temporal lobe epilepsy rat models; 脂肪干细胞转化神经元移植对大鼠颞叶癫痫发作的影响

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