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Connected up, it's a great trade-off in terms of the size of the device and simplicity, and that's often what you want.

Connected by a cycling path to the chapel, there would also be a public library, parks and open space. 教堂四周以单车径接连,通往公共图书馆、公园及户外空间。
Connected to a computer network. 你可以接通全国计算机网络。
Connected to a computer network. 联机的和计算机网络系统联在一起的
Connected to this is Hagrid's Christmas present to Harry: a flute (PS12). 和这有联系的是海格送给哈利的圣诞礼物:一支笛子(PS12)。
Connected to this is the knotty matter of division. 与此相关联的是棘手的除法问题。
Connected up, it's a great trade-off in terms of the size of the device and simplicity, and that's often what you want. 向上连接,它在装置和单纯的术语同样大小中是一个很棒的交换,而且那时常是你想要的事情。
Connected with the program construction, the group will try its best to development new finishing technology, import advanced equipment such as digital printing, hi-temperature and hi-pressure refining, exert advanced technology such as connection lot dye 结合项目建设,公司将全力发展新型印染后整理技术,引进数码印花、高温高压精炼等先进设备,运用公司连缸染色计算机测配色、真丝绸无灰伤染色及四分色印花等先进技术,努力实现公司产品朝中、高档产品的转型。
Connected — Check or uncheck this option while the virtual machine is running to connect or disconnect the virtual network adapter. 连接=选择此项当虚拟机启动时自动连接到你的虚拟网卡.
Connecticut Mystic Aquarium is caring for four ailing harp seals, this is one of them. (美国)康涅狄格州米斯蒂克水族馆正照顾四只患病的竖琴海豹,这是其中一只。
Connectie tissue wraps around muscle fiber,blood essels and neres. 译作——纤维结缔组织把肌纤维和在它里面的血管和神经包绕起来。
Connecting Link was getting well established, and Barbara had made some three hundred tapes with the Pleiadians. 连接发行很好,而芭芭拉已经发行约三百卷昴宿星人磁带。

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