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All right,said the grocer,I'll sleep in the barn.And off he went.

All out for preaching Gospel.that is purpose. 一切为了福音传播是我们的服务宗旨。
All right, I'll dean up the backyard. Does that make you happy? 12好,我会清理后院,你高兴了吧!
All right, if you insist. 好吧,如果你坚持的话。
All right, maybe it's not passion… but you can't get passionate without having an erection, that's true isn't it? “好,也许那不是动情……可是不勃起也就无法动情,是不是这样?”
All right, then,Mr. Summers said. Harry, you got their tickets back? “那么,好了,”夏莫斯先生说。“哈里,你把他们的票都取回来了吗?”
All right,said the grocer,I'll sleep in the barn.And off he went. “好吧,”杂货商说,“我去牲口棚睡。”他转身走了。
All schematics, however, have been classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact details... ... we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries! “所有的图表,然而,已被美国政府定为机密,我们不允许显现准确的细节……我们为德国政府,甚至是前苏联加盟共和国只做磁带和CD!
All that goes on in a single day in America is hard to imagine,said Glenn King, chief of the census bureau. 该调查局局长格伦·金说:这些事在美国都发生在一天之内,真是难以想象。
All that structural stuff was good,Jones said. This is more of a compression injury and basically a bruise around the spine -- not the spinal cord, but the spine itself. “整体的结构都很完好”,琼斯说,“很有可能是压伤,在脊柱附近的擦伤,致使脊柱,脊髓没有任何问题。
All that stuff next year is for another time,Van Gundy said. Tonight is about obviously a hugely disappointing result. 他说,明年,所有的同仁将会为另一次(季后赛?)而努力,今晚的结果是明显的让人十分失望的。
All the congregation of Israel are to celebrate this. 出12:47以色列全会众都要守这礼。

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