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Nitayaphan S , Grant J , Chang G, et al . Nucleotide sequence of the virulentSA214 strain of Japanese encephalitis virus and its attenuated vaccine deriva2tive , SA21421422 [J ]. Virology , 1990 , 177(2) :5412552.

Nissan's car factory in Sunderland, for instance, is one of its finest anywhere. 例如,位于森德兰的尼桑汽车工厂是它最好的一个。
Nissan, 44 percent-owned by Renault. 雷诺拥有日产汽车44%的股权。
Nissan, which began U.S. sales in 1959, has yet to sell a million vehicles in America. 1959年开始开拓美国市场的尼桑公司,2004年也只是在美国销售了100万辆车。
Nissin - which incidentally also makes U.F.O. brand instant noodles - is credited with revolutionizing the world's eating habits when chairman Momofuku Ando invented the instant noodle in 1958. 日清食品有限公司还顺便生产飞碟牌方便面。1958年,日清公司创始人安藤百福先生发明了发便面,该公司被认为革命性地改变了整个世界的饮食习惯。
Nita: I've heard you were a bear. I didn't realize you'd look so much like a bear. 妮塔:我听说你变成熊了,可是我没想到你一脸熊像。
Nitayaphan S , Grant J , Chang G, et al . Nucleotide sequence of the virulentSA214 strain of Japanese encephalitis virus and its attenuated vaccine deriva2tive , SA21421422 [J ]. Virology , 1990 , 177(2) :5412552. 吴玉水,马文煜,朱忠勇.日本脑炎病毒基因疫苗研究进展[J].细胞与分子免疫学杂志,2002,18(5):5122514.
Nitpicking is not welcome in out office. 你的工作完善,我毫无意见.
Nitrate leaching, although slightly higher under no tillage, is generally not a major pathway of loss in summer crops. 实施免耕的初期,氮的生物固定明显,但随着时间的推延,这种作用逐渐消失,以至到了后期,与初期的情况正好相反。
Nitrate of soda may be sown on pasture that does not eat off. 可以把硝酸钠撒在牧草还没有吃光的草地上。
Nitrocamptothecin is a semi-synthetic derivative of camptothecin. This paper reviews the character, synthesis, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and clinical studies of 9-nitrocamptothecin. 摘要9-硝基喜树碱是半合成喜树碱类衍生物。简要介绍了9-硝基喜树碱的性质、合成、药理、药效及临床研究进展。
Nitrogen 15 can reveal the extent to which the individual relied on animal or plant protein. 氮15会透露食物中动植物蛋白质的比例。

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