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12 Track all applicable international, country, provincial and local EHS regulations; Ensure compliance to those regulations in the entire plant.

12 The scope of cover is written in the basic policy form and the classes for different coverage. 保险范围写在基本保险和各种险别的条款里。
12 The tame parliament gave the same name to the two ornament games. 温顺的议会给两个装饰游戏取了同样的名字。
12 The water depth is 108 meters, bushing high is 25 meters. 这口井的水深108米,补心高25米。
12 This is the hypnosis technique which can help self-healing. 以下是一段催眠的技巧可以被用来帮助自我医治。
12 Toward the people he acted just as one acts in a free state. 12他对于人民的行为正像一个人活动在自由的国家中。
12 Track all applicable international, country, provincial and local EHS regulations; Ensure compliance to those regulations in the entire plant. 跟踪所有适用的国际、国家、省市和地方的EHS法律法规;确保工厂的运行符合法律法规的要求。
12 Trip up at once, pull the bit into the casing. 立即起钻,将钻头提到套管内。
12 We have all these ways to save time,but what does that concept really mean? 我们有那么多“节省时间”的方法,可省时这个概念真正意味着什么呢?
12 When 20” casing depth is attained, displace hole volume with high viscosity mud. 钻达20英寸套管深度时,用高粘度泥浆替满井眼。
12 When Europe had sunk to the level of sewer, America became the golden dream, the Eden where innocence could be recovered . 当欧洲沦落到最低层时,美国变成了金色的梦,能重获纯真的伊甸乐园。
12 When scaffold material is stored on-site, it is advisable to store the material under dry conditions. 当脚手架材料在现场储存时,建议把材料储存在干燥条件下。

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