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[bbe] Then Jael, Heber's wife, took a tent-pin and a hammer and went up to him quietly, driving the pin into his head, and it went through his head into the earth, for he was in a deep sleep from weariness; and so he came to his end.

[bbe] Then Ishmael, the son of Nethaniah, and the ten men who were with him, got up, and attacking Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, with the sword, put to death him whom the king of Babylon had made ruler over the land. 尼探雅的儿子以实玛利和同他来的那十个人起来,用刀杀了沙番的孙子亚希甘的儿子基大利,就是巴比伦王所立为全地省长的。
[bbe] Then Jacob gave him bread and soup; and he took food and drink and went away, caring little for his birthright. 于是雅各将饼和红豆汤给了以扫、以扫吃了喝了、便起来走了.这就是以扫轻看了他长子的名分。
[bbe] Then Jacob said to the herdmen, My brothers, where do you come from? And they said, From Haran. 雅各对牧人说,弟兄们,你们是哪里来的,他们说,我们是哈兰来的。
[bbe] Then Jacob said, You have seen what I have done for you, and how your cattle have done well under my care. 雅各对他说、我怎样服事你、你的牲畜在我手里怎样、是你知道的。
[bbe] Then Jacob, giving signs of grief, put on haircloth, and went on weeping for his son day after day. 雅各便撕裂衣服、腰间围上麻布、为他儿子悲哀了多日。
[bbe] Then Jael, Heber's wife, took a tent-pin and a hammer and went up to him quietly, driving the pin into his head, and it went through his head into the earth, for he was in a deep sleep from weariness; and so he came to his end. 西西拉疲乏沉睡.希百的妻雅亿、取了帐棚的橛子、手里拿著锤子、轻悄悄地到他旁边、将橛子从他鬓边钉进去、钉入地里.西西拉就死了。
[bbe] Then Jephthah said to the responsible men of Gilead, If you take me back to make war against the children of Ammon, and if with the help of the Lord I overcome them, will you make me your head? 耶弗他对基列的长老说、你们叫我回去、与亚扪人争战、耶和华把他交给我、我可以作你们的领袖麽。
[bbe] Then Jephthah sent men to the king of the children of Ammon, saying, What have you against me that you have come to make war against my land? 耶弗他打发使者去见亚扪人的王、说、你与我有甚麽相干、竟来到我国中攻打我呢。
[bbe] Then Jeremiah said, That is not true; I am not going to the Chaldaeans. 耶利米说,你这是谎话,我并不是投降迦勒底人。
[bbe] Then Jesus said to his disciples, If any man would come after me, let him give up all, and take up his cross, and come after me. 于是耶稣对门徒说、若有人要跟从我、就当舍己、背起他的十字架、来跟从我。
[bbe] Then Jezebel sent a servant to Elijah, saying, May the gods' punishment be on me if I do not make your life like the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time. 耶洗别就差遣人去见以利亚,告诉他说:「明日约在这时候,我若不使你的性命像那些人的性命一样,愿神明重重地降罚与我。」

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