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[color=#000000][b]33) Beating Maradona on his very own playground in such a fashion that the very demanding, faithful public of the San Paolo giving a standing ovation to Milan at the end of the match!!!!

[color=#000000][b]18) Watching mesmerized the Divine Swan defy the laws of gravity of Newton in Madrid and score a diving header from the ground. Breathe-taking stuff. 巴斯滕在马德里出神入化的表演倾倒众生,他不可思议地冲破牛顿定律,鱼跃冲顶打进一球。至今令人为之神夺。
[color=#000000][b]25) Symphony of Angels recited by the Troupe of Il Diavolo in Barcelona in front of a capacity Camp Nou which left not even the slightest of chances to the opposing orchestra from Roumania. 米兰球迷把巴塞罗那的诺坎普球场变成自己的主场,他们放声高唱,为球队奉献出天使之音,在气势上完全压倒了来自罗马尼亚的乐队,绝不给对手任何可乘之机。
[color=#000000][b]26) Watching Ruud Tulipano Nero Gullit jump higher than Pagliuca with his hands at Marassi and giving the victory to Milan! 在马拉西球场,“黑色郁金香”罗德·古利特力压桑普多利亚门将帕柳卡,为米兰带来一场伟大的胜利!
[color=#000000][b]3) Being the most titled team in the world at International level. 米兰是世界上拥有国际级比赛冠军头衔最多的球队。
[color=#000000][b]31) Watching Chico Evani, one of the faithful heroes of the Hellish times score the winner in Tokyo in the last minute of regulation against Medellin. Pure extase!!! 埃瓦尼,这位在球队降入乙级的黑暗岁月里仍能忠诚而坚定地留守在此的英雄之一,在东京丰田杯决赛对阵麦德林独立队的最后一分钟打进致胜一球。令人心驰神往!!!
[color=#000000][b]33) Beating Maradona on his very own playground in such a fashion that the very demanding, faithful public of the San Paolo giving a standing ovation to Milan at the end of the match!!!! 在马拉多纳自己的主场圣保罗球场,米兰以一种令人难忘的方式夺走联赛冠军奖杯,比赛的最后,就连一向以苛刻和忠诚著称的那不勒斯球迷也长时间起立,把掌声和欢呼声献给缔造这场完美胜利的对手米兰!!!
[color=#000000][b]52) Watching Cuore di Drago Maldini unleashing a rocket from outside the box with his right foot past an hopeless Gigi Buffon in this 2-1 win over Parma which would be the beginning of that incredible 7 wins in a row climaxing in # 16. “龙之心”马尔蒂尼在禁区外右脚打门,皮球如火箭发射般穿过绝望的吉吉·布冯,这场2-1战胜帕尔马的比赛,为此后令人难以置信的七连胜打响了第一枪,最终换来了第十六个联赛冠军。
[color=#000000][b]61) Big George s last minute winner in the Derby. 伟大的乔治·维阿在德比大战最后一分钟打进致胜进球。
[color=#000099]To[/color] my dearest love on this joyous Christmas. 值此欢乐佳节,献给我的心上人。
[color=#0000ff]EXAMPLE: [/color]Designing the new building project that involved three big rival companies required a lot of give and take, but eventually agreed on a workable plan. 这个新建筑项目涉及到三家相互竞争的大公司。为这样的项目做设计,需要做出很多取舍,但他们最终达成一项可行的计划。
[color=#0000ff]EXAMPLE: [/color]The investment banking firm's owners conducted a performance attribution analysis of their most successful money manager's work in order to learn what practices had led to his success. 这家投资银行的老板们对他们最成功的基金经理的工作做了绩效归因分析,以了解他的成功之道。

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