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This subject covers the aviation and military origin background of the topic, and looks at the EMS application by responders and site commanders.

This style requires tight curly hair, which typically people of African descent have. 梳理这种发型需要浓密的卷发,而这种发质通常是具有非洲血统的人所拥有的。
This stylish sweater was knitted by a young knitter. 这件时髦的毛衣是由一位年轻的编织者所编织的。
This subfolders and its child folders are created automatically when the case is created. 当一个案例生成时这个子文件夹及其下属子文件夹被自动生成。
This subject became his passion. 这个学科成了他的爱好。
This subject catalog lists information resources relevant to Chemical and Process Engineering. 英语资源按…检索的:工程学,自然科学与数学.
This subject covers the aviation and military origin background of the topic, and looks at the EMS application by responders and site commanders. (这课涵盖航空和陆军来源的课题背景,并要查看由反应者和现场指挥者的急救医疗服务技术。)
This subject deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems, basic thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium of reactions in gas and solution phase, and rates of chemical reactions. 此课程主要讨论宏观系统的平衡态性质、基础热力学、气相与溶液中的化学反应平衡和化学反应速率。
This subject examines the experiences of ordinary Chinese people as they lived through the tumultuous changes of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 这门课的主题在检视中国的平民老百姓如何经历十九和二十世纪的喧嚣变化。
This subject introduces the student to some of the literary, philosophical and religious texts which became major sources of assumption about the nature of the universe and mankind's place within it and which continue to underlie the characteristically We 本课程将介绍给学生一些文学、哲学和宗教性的创作,它们被视为诠译宇宙本质和人类处境的主要来源,直到今天,仍是构成西方文化观点的基础。
This subject is about the dynamics of networks, but excludes the biophysics of single neurons, which will be taught in 9.29 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience. 这个科目是关于网络动力学,但不包含单一神经元的生物物理学,单一神经元的生物物理学将在9.29计算神经科学导论中教授。
This subject is familiar to us. 我们熟悉这个课题。

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