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The ordinal number matching the number15 in a series.

The ordering party shall accept the products and articles completed by the contractor and shall pay remuneration therefor. 定作方应当接受承揽方完成为物品或工作成果,并给付报酬。
The orderliness and integration of the information (especially the information of the products and parts) in the Internet surroundings are very important for the success of the Internet-based manufacturing. 摘要因特网环境中信息的有序化和集成化,对基于网络的制造战略的成功实施十分重要。
The orderly market economy is both legal and moral economy. 摘要有秩序的市场经济既是法治经济,同时也是道德经济。
The ordinal number matching the number one trillion in a series. 第一万亿,第一兆可数数列中与一万亿相对应的序数
The ordinal number matching the number14 in a series. 第十四一序数词,一系列数中的第十四个
The ordinal number matching the number15 in a series. 第十五在一系列中排在第十五的序数
The ordinal number matching the number19 in a series. 第十九在数列中与数字19相配的序数词
The ordinal number matching the number50 in a series. 第五十在一系列中排于第50的序数
The ordinal number matching the number90 in a series. 第九十在数列中与数字90相配的序数词
The ordinal number matching the number90 in a series. 其传递函数与输入信号的频谱函数相匹配的一种滤波器。
The ordinary mobile phone can stand by for 24 hours after charged 1 hour by Freedom Charger because the internal storage can provide 100-hour-energy for stand by. 用其对一般手机充电一小时,即可待机24小时,内部储存可提供待机100小时的能量。

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