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Article 31 Where a people's court, in the course of a civil or administrative procedure, illegally undertakes compulsory measures against impairment of action, preservative measures or wrongfully executes the judgment or award or other legal effective doc

Article 31 When an alien lodges at a foreign institution in China or at the home Of an alien in China, the institution in question or the host or the lodger shall,within 24 hours Of the lodger's arrival,report to the local public security organ with the l 第三十一条外国人在中国的外国机构内或者在中国的外国人家中住宿,须于住宿人抵达后24小时内,由留宿机构、留宿人或者本人特住宿人的护照或者居留证件,向当地公安机关申报,并填写临时住宿登记表。
Article 31 When an alien lodges at a foreign institution in China or at the home of an alien in China, the institution in question or the host or the lodger shall, within 24 hours of the lodger's arrival, report to the local public security organ with the 第三十一条外国人在中国的外国机构或者在中国的外国人家中住宿,须于住宿人抵达24小时内,由留宿机构、留宿人或者本人持住宿人的居留证件,向当地公安机关申报,并填写临时住宿登记表。
Article 31 When coal, gangue, coal cinder, coal ashes, sandstone, lime soil or other materials is stored in densely inhabited areas, fire and dust prevention measures must be taken in order to prevent atmospheric pollution. 第三十一条在人口集中地区存放煤炭、煤矸石、煤渣、煤灰、砂石、灰土等物料,必须采取防燃、防尘措施,防止污染大气。
Article 31 When construction projects of a permanent nature are being erected on either side of a highway, the distance from the edge of the building facing the highway to the outer rim of the roadside ditch of the highway should be no less than 20m for s 第三十一条在公路两侧修建永久性工程设施,其建筑物边缘与公路边沟外缘的间距为;国道不少于二十米,省道不少于十五米,县道不少于十米,乡道不少于五米。
Article 31 Where a QDII carries out the securities investment outside the territory of China, it shall follow the related laws and regulations as prescribed by the local surveillant organ and the local stock exchange. 第三十一条境内机构投资者的境外证券投资,应当遵守当地监管机构、交易所的有关法律法规规定。
Article 31 Where a people's court, in the course of a civil or administrative procedure, illegally undertakes compulsory measures against impairment of action, preservative measures or wrongfully executes the judgment or award or other legal effective doc 第三十一条人民法院在民事诉讼、行政诉讼过程中,违法采取对妨害诉讼的强制措施、保全措施或者对判决、裁定及其他生效法律文书执行错误,造成损害的,赔偿请求人要求赔偿的程序,适用本法刑事赔偿程序的规定。
Article 31 Where a unit is subject to audit by certified public accountant in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations, the unit shall provide truthfully accounting vouchers, account books, financial and accountin 第三十一条有关法律、行政法规规定,须经注册会计师进行审计的单位,应当向受委托的会计师事务所如实提供会计凭证、会计帐簿、财务会计报告和其他会计资料以及有关情况。
Article 31 Where the assets of a sole proprietorship enterprise are not sufficient to repay its debts in full, the sole proprietor shall contribute his other personal assets to cover the difference. 第三十一条个人独资企业财产不足以清偿债务的,投资人应当以其个人的其他财产予以清偿。
Article 31. MOFCOM shall be entitled to the interpretation right of this set of measures. 第三十一条本办法由商务部负责解释。
Article 31. The discharge of radioactive substances from nuclear-powered vessels or vessels carrying such substances must be conducted in compliance with the provisions of Article 19 of this Law. 第三十一条核动力船舶和载运放射物质的船舶,排放放射性物质,必须遵守本法第十九条的规定。
Article 31.For the purposes of Article 7 of the Tax Law, the term income tax paid to foreign authoritiesshall mean the amount of income tax payable, and actually paid, on income derived by a taxpayer from sources outside the People's Republic of China, ac 第三十一条税法第七条所说的已在境外缴纳的个人所得税税额,是指纳税义务人从申国境外取得的所得,依照该所得来源国家或者地区的法律应录当缴纳并且验际已经缴税额。

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