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Our country sports system reform is the point that turns the sports reform deeply, the market economy is the initial point of sports system reform, the article discussed the sports system reform in the market mechanism of motive and encourage characterist

Our country should adopt venture capital organization of the joint-stock company system according to national conditions, such as economy, law and social culture environment and etc. 我国目前不能盲目效仿美国采用有限合伙制发展创业投资,而应根据经济、法律和社会文化环境等国情,采用股份有限公司制创业投资机构。
Our country should develop highly active, energy saving, environmental protection, high accuracy and high credibility program control hydraulic hammer. 阐明了我国电液锤应着重发展符合高效、节能、环保、高精度、高可靠等要求的程控液压锻锤。
Our country should express regulations causality presumption and establishes special critieria of for environmental incidents. 在适用上,因果关系推定应扩大至特殊侵权领域,并辅之以规范设计。
Our country should learn from the system of public welfare, and preserve the system of counterappeal against personel's orders and judgements that misuse the law. 其他国家也有检察院参与民事诉讼活动的规定,但一般是检察院只对涉及社会公益的案件作为代表人参与民事诉讼活动。
Our country should takes the third party liability of professional as tort liability, and should make detailed provision about this system while establish related law. 我国应将专业人员对第三人的责任界定为侵权责任,并应在制订相关法律时对这一制度作出具体规定。
Our country sports system reform is the point that turns the sports reform deeply, the market economy is the initial point of sports system reform, the article discussed the sports system reform in the market mechanism of motive and encourage characterist 摘要竞技体育体制改革是我国深化体育改革的重中之重,市场经济是竞技体育体制改革的原生点,文章讨论了在竞技体育体制改革中如何利用市场机制的动力、激励特性,分析了市场机制与竞技体育体制中竞争机制和平衡机制的耦合关系,提出了在现行竞技体育体制运行机制中,要合理的发挥市场机制的作用。
Our country still relies mainly on the norm cost method. 但我国仍是以标准成本法为主。
Our country's actual population policy is always disputed, many regions make some rectifies according to their facts. 摘要我国现行的人口政策一直受到争议,很多地区根据的实际情况进行了适当的调整。
Our country's and only stipulate the civil duty form the right infringer bears. 我国《民法通则》和《著作权法》只规定了侵权人承担民事责任的形式。
Our country's constitution urgently awaits the criminal law limit to strengthen. 我国目前宪法对刑法的限制亟待加强。
Our country's in great danger; we must mobilize the army. 我们正处于严重危险之中,我们必须把军人动员起来。

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