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All the complications happened in either the patients receiving cemented intramedullary nail for pathological femoral fracture or cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture.

All the comments on such queries as the housing price and bubbles were made open but unofficially by the MOC functional person. 这是建设部官员在公开场合非正式地回应社会有关房价、房地产泡沫等质疑。
All the commune members , young and old , went out to hervest the crops . 7全体老少社员都收割庄稼去了。
All the company's past three years' developments are mainly of the high end office buildings for sale-purpose, of which the complementary supporting parts are put out to lease. 近3年来,公司开发的房地产项目全部是高档写字楼,这些写字楼主要以出售为主、与其配套的商业服务设施等以租赁经营为主。
All the competitor will obtain the free unexpected hurt insurance about ¥10,000, number coat drink and exercise me souvenir ect. 所有参赛选手都将免费获得最高保额为10万元的参赛日人身意外伤害保险,以及当日号码牌/服、饮料、活动纪念品等。
All the competitors must prepare you own bicycle equipment and kneepad .all the bicycles can't install the non-manpower equipment. 参赛者自备参赛车辆、装备与护具,所有车辆不得配有任何非人力传动、助动装置。
All the complications happened in either the patients receiving cemented intramedullary nail for pathological femoral fracture or cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture. 所有的这些心脏血管衰竭并发症发生在病理性股骨骨折接受骨水泥骨髓腔内钢钉的病人,或股骨颈骨折接受骨水泥两极式人工股骨头置换术的病人。
All the components have some basic specific features, like persistence, multithreading,serialization and parameterisation. 所有的这些组件都有相同的一些基本特征,比如持久性和多线程,串行化和参数化。
All the computers in the world today make up a living being. 电脑的发明为人类带来了各层面的变化。
All the congregation of Israel shall keep it. 47以色列全会众都要守这礼。
All the contents of China SOA Survey, including but not limited to any or all the information that concerns research project title, research methodology, reports, pictures, audio files, graphs and charts, domain names, logos, images, advertisements, progr 中国SOA应用调查的所有内容,包括但不限于研究项目名称、研究方法、文字报道、图片、声音、图表、标志、标识、广告、商标、商号、域名、程序、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准的任何或所有信息,均受《中华人民共和国著作权法》、《中华人民共和国商标法》、《中华人民共和国专利法》及适用之国际公约中有关著作权、商标权、专利权或其它财产所有权法律的保护,为《信息周刊》杂志社专属所有或持有。
All the contents reposted have been proofread. Yet, we do not ensure they are all correct. 本站内容均经校对,唯本站并不确保全部内容之正确无误。

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