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Article 34 PBC shall be responsible for compiling comprehensive statistics and accounting statements for the national banking system and for publishing them in accordance with relevant State provisions.

Article 34 If not exercised, the sender's or addressee's right of indemnity shall be extinguished six months from the date the mail item is posted. 第34条寄件人或收件人之补偿请求权,自邮件交寄之日起,逾六个月不行使而消灭。
Article 34 If persons of foreign diplomatic missions or consulates are to enter the territory of China with guns, they must apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China for approval in advance; and if they are to leave China 第三十四条外国驻华外交代表机构、领事机构的人员携带枪支入境,必须事先报经中华人民共和国外交部批准;携带枪支出境,应当事先照会中华人民共和国外交部,办理有关手续。
Article 34 If the complainant is unsatisfied with the the decision or opinion upon review by the original administrative authority, he may appeal to the administrative authority at the next higher level for a review within 30 days from receipt of the writ 第三十四条对原办理机关的处理决定或者复查意见不服的,信访人可以自收到处理决定书或者复查意见书之日起30日内请求上一级行政机关复查,上一级行政机关应自收到复查请求之日起30日内提出复查意见。
Article 34 In the case of earth-fetching, sand-digging or quarrying in areas in danger of land-collapsing or land-sliding or where mud-rock flow is liable to occur, as designated by the local people's government at or above the county level, the departmen 第三十四条在县级以上地方人民政府划定的崩塌滑坡危险区、泥石流易发区范围内取土、挖砂或者采石的,由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止上述违法行为、采取补救措施,处以罚款。
Article 34 No organs liable for compensation or undertaking the reconsideration of a case, or the people's courts may collect any expenses from a claimant to State compensation. 第三十四条赔偿请求人要求国家赔偿的,赔偿义务机关、复议机关和人民法院不得向赔偿请求人收取任何费用。
Article 34 PBC shall be responsible for compiling comprehensive statistics and accounting statements for the national banking system and for publishing them in accordance with relevant State provisions. 第三十四条中国人民银行银行负责统一编制全国金融统计数据、报表,并按照国家有关规定予以公布。
Article 34 Public security fire control institutions, when conducting relief and rescue work of other disasters or accidents other than fire disaster, shall carry out the task under unified direction of relevant local people's government. 第三十四条公安消防队参加火灾以外的其他灾害或者事故的抢险救援工作,在有关地方人民政府的统一指挥下实施。
Article 34 Publication of a work derived from adaptation, translation, annotation, arrangement or compilation of the preexistent work shall be in possession of the license of both the copyright owner of the work derived from adaptation, translation, annot 第三十四条出版改编、翻译、注释、整理、汇编已有作品而产生的作品,应当取得改编、翻译、注释、整理、汇编作品的著作权人和原作品的著作权人许可,并支付报酬。
Article 34 Securities bought or sold by parties interested to securities trading may take paper form or other forms laid down by the securities supervision and administration institution under the State Council. 第三十四条证券交易当事人买卖的证券可以采用纸面形式或者国务院证券监督管理机构规定的其他形式。
Article 34 Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention shall collect fees for their legal quarantine inspections according to the provisions of the financial and price control departments under the State Council and shall not collect other additio 第三十四条动物防疫监督机构依法进行检疫,按照国务院财政、物价行政管理部门的规定收取检疫费用,不得加收其他费用,也不得重复收费。
Article 34 The Articles of Association of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants shall be formulated by the national congress of the members of the Institute and filed with the financial department of the State Council for the record. 省、自治区、直辖市注册会计师协会的章程由省、自治区、直辖市会员代表大会制定,并报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府财政部门备案。

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