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A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink.

A man should be just cultured enough to be able to look with suspicion upon culture. 人应有足够的文化修养,以便能以怀疑的眼光看待文化.
A man should have both courage and perseverance. 一个人既应有勇气也要有毅力。
A man skillful in computer is needed here. 这里需要一个熟悉计算机的人。
A man speaks frantically into the phone, My wife is pregnant, and her contractions are only two minutes apart! 一个男人着急地对电话说道:“我老婆怀孕了,她两次宫缩之间隔了两分钟!”
A man stepped into a gun shop,Give me the most powerful pistol. 一个男人走进枪支商店:给我拿一支威力最大的手枪.
A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink. 男子摇摇晃晃地朝一个坐在吧檯前的顾客走上前去,问这位男子可不可以请他喝一杯。
A man such as he will surely succeed. 象他这样的人肯定会成功。
A man that I will never forget. 一个我永远不会忘记的男人.
A man that beareth false witness against his neighbour is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow. 18作假见证陷害邻舍的,就是大槌,是利刀,是快箭。
A man then must stand erect, not be kept erect by others. 人必须自己挺立起来,而不由他人扶持。
A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour, so that he wanteth nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it: this is vanity, and it is an evil disease. 传6:2就是人蒙神赐他赀财、丰富、尊荣、以致他心里所愿的一样都不缺、只是神使他不能吃用、反有外人来吃用.这是虚空、也是祸患。

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