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In Marseille, which is home to 200,000 Muslims but also a bastion of the far right, arguments over the construction of a large mosque have dominated city debates for years.

In March, the Chinese leader told President Putin that China and Russia agreed on the guidelines and directions for the development of their strategic partnership in the next decade. 3月,他向普京总统表示,中国与俄罗斯在未来十年的战略伙伴关系的发展方向和指导方针的意见是一致的.
In March, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that Massachusetts could use the 1913 law to bar gay couples from Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont from marrying here. 今年3月,马萨诸塞州最高法院规定,马萨诸塞州可以用1913年的法律拒绝来自康涅狄格州、缅因州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州的伴侣请求在该州登记结婚。
In Marilyn Monroe's days, diamonds were a girl's best friend. Now they are becoming the companion of the bereaed too. 钻石一直被认为是女人最好的朋友,今后它们很可能成为许多死者家属最亲的伙伴。
In Marilyn Monroe's days, diamonds were a girl's best friend. Now they are becoming the companion of the bereaved too. 钻石一直被认为是女人最好的朋友,今后它们很可能成为许多死者家属最亲的伙伴。
In Market Price Window, you click the small button in the top of right corner to open the price tree. 很简单,你首先在价格资讯视窗点击右上角的,报价目录会在左边出现。
In Marseille, which is home to 200,000 Muslims but also a bastion of the far right, arguments over the construction of a large mosque have dominated city debates for years. 在马赛——这里是20万穆斯林的家乡,但也是极右翼的堡垒——建造一座大型清真寺的争论几年来一直主导着各种争论。
In Maryland and Virginia, tobacco was initially the principal medium of exchange, while other colonies designated as “country pay” (acceptable for taxes) such items as hides, furs, tallow, cows, corn, wheat, beans, pork, fish, brandy, whisky, and musket b 在马里兰和弗吉尼亚,最初烟草为主要的交换媒介,其他殖民地则把兽皮、皮毛、洋油脂、母牛、玉米、豆粒、猪肉、鱼、白兰地、威士忌以及子弹等物品指定为“乡村货币”(交税时使用)。
In Maryland, a man and his four children were found dead in a townhouse. 在马里兰,一名男子及其4个孩子被发现死在家中。
In Maryland, state agencies are required by law to take into consideration whether a contractor is onshore or offshore. 马里兰州:州政府部门必须把合同承担人是否属于本土企业考虑在内。
In Matthew 6:24, Jesus himself speaks of money (mammon) as being a master. 在马太福音6:24中,耶稣亲口把钱(“财富”)说成是主人。
In May 1857, the national emblem became a double-headed eagle accompanied by symbols of the various territories of the Russian Empire. 1857年5月,国徽为一只双头鹰并配有俄罗斯帝国不同属地的符号。

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