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The Purchaser shall not be deemed to have discharged the obligations to make payment hereunder unless in making such payment, the Purchaser also complies with the manner of payment as aforesaid.

The Punjabi chief minister's unprecedented threat came just ahead of the start of an annual kite-flying festival in the provincial capital, Lahore, Sunday. 就在旁遮普省首府拉尔市准备在周日召开一年一度的风筝节前,旁遮普省省长发出了这个史无前例的警告。
The Puranas unfolds the principles of Hinduism in a very simple way. 宇宙古史以非常简单的方式展开了印度教的原理。
The Purchase Contract had been signed and stamped among your company, our company &the factory, doesn't the force adeffect effect? 订购合同是你签字盖章给我们的,我们也签字盖章给工厂了,工厂也签字盖章签回来了,难道这些都没有法律效益的吗?
The Purchase Price is based on the assumption that the Property is in good condition and repair and that the Property is free of environmental and/or flood issues and other material defect. 进货价格基于财产处于良好状态或补救状态及财产免于自然洪灾和其他材料缺损的承担上。
The Purchaser shall assume that all premium (if any) and the due proportions of the Government Rents reserved by the Government Lease(s) under which the Property is held have been paid and that all the terms covenants and conditions therein and in the Dee 买主须当作该物业应缴付政府租契列明之地税和补地价费用(如有的话)已如数缴纳并政府租契及楼宇公契和管理协议内所载之一切条款、契约及条件均已遵照妥为办理至交易完成日止。
The Purchaser shall not be deemed to have discharged the obligations to make payment hereunder unless in making such payment, the Purchaser also complies with the manner of payment as aforesaid. 除非买主在付款时亦遵守上述付款方式的规定,否则不得被视为解除本约项下的付款责任。
The Purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase money by cashier order or cheque issued by a Solicitors' firm drawn on a licensed bank in Hong Kong. 买主须以香港持牌银行开发之本票或律师行开发之香港持牌银行之支票缴付购买金额馀额。
The Purdue apparatus more completely mimicks how tires generate noise under many environmental conditions. 相较之下,普渡大学的装置可在各种不同条件下研究轮胎如何产生噪音,较能进行完整的模拟实验。
The Pure White System contains Amway's patented Whitening Complex, which can lighten spots and control melanin formation. 蕴含专利美白复合成分,有效淡化及预防黑色素产生,全天候发挥「预防、改善、保护」的美白功效。
The Puritan family, also maligned by ignorant moderns, stands as a model. 清教徒的家庭是模范家庭,却也不幸被无知的现代人所曲解。
The Puritans avoided many heartaches that plague us today by working hard, staying out of debt, and remaining faithful within marriage. 清教徒没有许多困扰现代人的文明病,因为他们辛勤工作,不欠债,并且忠实于婚姻。

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