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Conclusion: During treating infants with HIE, scopolamine can make the cerebral functions improved at the key age, alleviate cerebral ischemia injury obviously and reduce the rate of sequelae.

Conclusion: B-ultrasound, thyroid radioisotope scanning, aspiration biopsy of thyroid gland and X-ray cheque are helpfulfor the diagnosis of the nature of single thyroid nodule. 论:B超、甲状腺同位素扫描、细针穿刺细胞学活检及X线检查有助于甲状腺单发结节性质的鉴别诊断。
Conclusion: Chenopodium-Pilular adina herb protected gastric mucosa and cured gastric ulcer by Promoting the secretion of NO,EGF,and increasing the expression of EGFR of gastric mucosa endothelial cell. 论:土荆芥-水团花内容物通过促进NO,EGF等胃黏膜的保护因子分泌,通过上调胃黏膜上皮细胞EGFR水平,促进溃疡愈合。
Conclusion: Clinical study shows the follows: .The curative effect of Tui Na is better than Traction group in treating PLD. 论 临床研究表明:.推拿治疗腰椎间盘突出症在改善临床症状方面优于牵引治疗。
Conclusion: Codeine Co. 论 :医疗用途常规剂量使用可待因复方制剂依赖性潜力很低 ;
Conclusion: DSQ could relieve the clinical symptoms and major injury of lung induced by super-excretion of inflame cytokine through decreasing the levels of serum IL-β, IL-,IL-8 and TNF-α in the aged rats with escherihia colic pneumonia. 论:毒素清能显著影响血清IL-β、IL-、IL-8和TNF-α水平,使其接近正常水平。
Conclusion: During treating infants with HIE, scopolamine can make the cerebral functions improved at the key age, alleviate cerebral ischemia injury obviously and reduce the rate of sequelae. 论:东莨菪碱干预疗法可以使HIE患儿脑组织及脑功能在前个月得到充分改善,减少了HIE后遗症。
Conclusion: Eperisone can decrease the limb spasmus after stroke, and be helpful to raise the living ability. 论贝力斯颗粒可以降低脑出血后肢体痉挛状态,有助于提高患者的生活能力。
Conclusion: Exifone can inhibit the action of experimental thrombosis and improve the hemorrheology index of rats. 论:Exf具有抗大鼠实验性血栓形成作用,并 能改善血液流变学多项指标。
Conclusion: HG,an effective component of ramulus viscin, plays its specific PAF antagonist via PAF receptor. 论:HG是通过PAF受体而发挥特异性的PAF拮抗剂作用。
Conclusion: Hypertensive patients with the adducin gene homozygous for T allele showed a greater reduction in systolic blood pressure for valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide treatment. 论:EH患者α-adducin基因0Trp突变纯合子者服用复方缬沙坦后降低收缩压可获得较好的疗效。
Conclusion: Inhalation of low concentration NO for treating of high altitude pulmonary edema may appear meddle effect on significant improvement of blood rheology within 0 minutes. 论:吸入低浓度NO治疗高原肺水肿,在吸入0分钟内即出现对血液流变学显著改善的干预效应。

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