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Barring any last minute changes, U.S. military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, say it will place most blame for the abuses at Abu Ghraib on reservist guards and those who ran the prison.

Barriers to implementing EBM included lack of equipment and cooperation. 其推行上的阻碍主要为软硬件不足及人员配合度之问题。
Barriers to the free flow of goods and services, labour and capital are being pulled down around the world, aided by huge improvements in communications and transport. 货物、服务、劳动力和资本自由流动的壁垒在全球范围内被打破,辅以沟通手段和物流产业的显著进步。
Barring a late twist Bale will play a full part in his club's attempts to get back to the Premiership. 虽然经历了一些列风波,拜尔还会在本赛季南安普顿冲击超级联赛的征途上扮演重要角色。
Barring a massive US slowdown, China's GDP growth is likely to remain very rapid. 除非美国减速,中国的GDP增长仍然会像闪电一般快速。
Barring any breakthrough, it seems likely those wishing to experience it will need a microtransmitting implant—certainly a higher level of commitment than slapping on a set of headphones or 3-D glasses. 除非有新的(技术)突破,否则很可能需要植入一个微型发射器才能体验它——当然,相比在一组耳机或者三维眼镜上随意涂一层物质而言,移植对人们的要求更高。
Barring any last minute changes, U.S. military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, say it will place most blame for the abuses at Abu Ghraib on reservist guards and those who ran the prison. 为了防止最后有什么变化,美国军队官员以匿名的身份说,这起虐待事件的责任大部份应该由后备役警卫和管理监狱的军官来承担。
Barring catastrophic injury, I don't see Yao's game drop off that much in his 30's. 除非是灾难性的伤病,我不认为姚在30岁以后状态会下降多少.
Barring some extraordinary turn of events, Mr Blair will announce the date of his departure either just before or immediately after the local and regional elections on May 3rd. 布莱尔将在今年5月3日地区选举之前或者当天宣布他离职的具体日期,除非有突发事件爆发,否则此事态将不可逆转。
Barring some sort of extended losing streak in Dallas, the Suns will jump no higher than the seed they currently occupy. 除非小牛出现连败,否则太阳将不会再有更高的排名了。
Barring special circumstances, the plan will arrive on schedule. 如无特殊情况,飞机将准时到达.
Barring special circumstances, the plane will arrive on schedule. 如无特殊情况,飞机将准时到达。

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