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In one scene, Batman hangs upside down in a store, opens his cape, swoops in, and grabs a bad guy.

In one patient, macular granularity appeared rapidly. 第1位病人黄斑部在发病初期呈颗粒状。
In one project, 150 volunteers each agreed to discreetly tie a Walkman recorder to their waist and leave it running for anything up to two weeks. 在一个项目中,150名志愿者每人都同意贴身带一个随身听录音机在他们的腰上并且让它一直运转2周。
In one recent sequence against Chicago, he successfully denied Ben Gordon the ball in the wing area and then was able to recover and deny Gordon's quick backdoor cut. 在最近对芝加哥公牛队时,他成功地在边线区域断下了本戈登的球,之后又很好地护球,并防止了戈登从后面迅速反抢。
In one recent study, 12,000 albatrosses are estimated to have died in the South African trawl fishery in one year. 在一个最近的研究种,一年中估计有1.2万信天翁死于南部非洲的拖网捕鱼业。
In one salutation to thee, my God, let all my senses spread out and touch this world at thy feet. 在我向你合十膜拜之中,我的上帝,让我一切的感知都舒展在你的脚下,接触这个世界。
In one scene, Batman hangs upside down in a store, opens his cape, swoops in, and grabs a bad guy. 有一个镜头,蝙蝠侠倒挂在一家商店里,敞开他的披肩,猛扑下来抓住一个坏蛋。
In one section of the final competition, each contestant will represent a certain animal, who would like to take part in a vote of president of Animal Republic. 在决赛的一个环节中,每名参赛选手将扮演一种动物去参加动物共和国的总统选举。
In one sense ,the opposite of fear is courage ,but in the dynamic sense the opposite of fear is love,whether this be love of man or love of justice. 从某种意义上讲,恐惧的对立面是勇敢,但从原动力的意义上讲,恐惧的对立面却是爱,无论它是对人的爱还是对正义的爱.
In one sense this is good. 从某角度来看,这是好的。
In one sense, these are always show trials—and rightly so. 某种意义上说,此类审判都是象征性的,也应该是象征性的。
In one service, which was not named, more than a quarter of instruments were in storage and another third out of use because of poor maintenance. 在一些音乐服务活动时,往往有超过四分之一的乐器仍被放在储藏室,另外三分之一因为维修不良而没有使用。

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