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Conclusion MTC is a convenient, effective and safe method of treatment for verruca vulgaris.

Conclusion Hot gutta percha guillotine operation has a good effect to fill collateral branch root canal. 论 热牙胶挤压术使充填侧支根管得到良好充填效果。
Conclusion Ischiocavernosus arranged like unipennate and were divided into two layers and it's pennate angle was 7.°. 论球海绵体肌似半羽状排列 ,分二层 ,羽状角是 7 °。
Conclusion It was an sound indicators to evaluate ASDH prognosis factors for CT characteristics,GCS,the change of pupilla,the time for operation,BP,age,blood glucose,WBC and complications. 论 CT征象、GCS评分、瞳孔变化、手术时机、血压、年龄、血糖、血白细胞和并发症是评价急性硬膜下血肿预后的可靠指标。
Conclusion Knowledge in Guangdong native was scanty. 论 广东省居民的糖尿病知识很贫乏。
Conclusion Lesion of septum could restrain the haughty expression of dopamine receptor in brim region because methamphetamine employ in rats. 论 中隔核毁损可以抑制使用MAP而诱发的颞叶皮质D 表达的亢进。
Conclusion MTC is a convenient, effective and safe method of treatment for verruca vulgaris. 论MTC是一种简便、有效、安全的治疗寻常疣的新方法。
Conclusion On T WI, typical epidermoid cysts are manifested as low, inhomogeneous signal, while atypical epidermoid cysts are marked by high signal, which is due to the high concentration of the protein not due to the lipoids. 论 典型常见的表皮样囊肿TWI为低信号 ,信号欠均匀 ; 非典型的表皮样囊肿TWI呈高信号 ,信号形成原因是高浓度蛋白质所致 ,并非脂类物质。
Conclusion Selective posterior rhizotomy (SPR) from L-S dorsal roots is an effective procedure for spastic equinus secondary to cerebral palsy, howerer, the indications should be controlled strictly. 论L~S选择性脊神经后根切断术治疗脑瘫踝痉挛有效,但应严格掌握手术适应证。
Conclusion Telescopic saccule urinary catheter can increase the one-time success rate, especially for those complicated with hyperplasia of prostate. 论改良组能提高导尿一次成功率,尤其适用于伴有前列腺增生症患者。
Conclusion The above pathological factors affect functions of the spinal cord by the congenital defect, tether and compression. 论  种病理因素通过先天性缺陷、栓系和压迫机制导致脊髓发生病理变化 ,影响脊髓功能。
Conclusion The anti carcinoma pattern of OPT included mammary cancer,cardiac gland cancer,cancer of colon,carcinoma of stomach,oophoro cancer,cancer of lung,and carcinoma of cervix. The other carcinomas can be try to use OPT. 论 :OPT的抗癌谱为乳腺癌、贲门腺癌、结肠癌、胃癌、卵巢癌、肺癌、宫颈癌。

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