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Early leaf development is artificially divided into three main stages: the initiation of leaf primordium, the establishment of leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity, and the expansion of leaf blade.

Early in the twentieth century, however, the seals moved northward because the weather became warmer. 然而,二十世纪初叶,因为天气变为较温暖,海豹向北迁移。
Early in the year China‘s number two lender shunned plans for a dual flotation in New York and Hong Kong because of the high cost and strict corporate governance rules associated with a NYSE listing. 今年年初,这家中国第二大银行放弃了在纽约和香港两地上市的计划,原因是在纽约证券交易所(NYSE)上市的成本较高,且公司治理规定更为严格。
Early investigations of porosity were conducted to a large extent by investigators in the fields of ground-water geology, chemical engineering, and ceramics. 早期对孔隙度的研究主要是由地下水地质学、化学工程和制陶术等领域的研究人员进行的。
Early jazz was centered in New Orleans and had trumpeter Louis Armstrong as its first great soloist. 早期的爵士乐以新奥尔良为中心,并有出色的首席独奏者小号手路易斯·阿姆斯特朗。
Early labor ends when your cervix is 3 to 4 centimeters dilated and your progress starts to accelerate. 生产早期在宫颈口扩张到3到4厘米时结束,从这时开始,您生产的进程就加快了。
Early leaf development is artificially divided into three main stages: the initiation of leaf primordium, the establishment of leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity, and the expansion of leaf blade. 早期叶片发育包括三个主要过程:叶原基的起始,叶片腹背性的建立和叶片的延展。
Early learning also plays a role. 儿童时期的经验也在其中扮演重要角色。
Early love is frequently ambitions in choosing its object! 初涉爱河的人在选择爱人方面总是雄心勃勃.
Early magnetic resonance imaging features were nonspecific for neoplasm and not distinguishable from mycetoma. 早期磁振造影影像的特徵并无法与足菌肿作鑑别诊断。
Early man shows certain affinities with the ape. 早期的人类和猿有某些相似之处.
Early man was aware of the movements of celestial bodies in the heavens, especially the Sun. 早期人类明白天空中物体、尤其是太阳的运动。

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