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Based on market demands and result from study on new hydrophilic Octyl and Decyl Glycerate edible emulsifier (applications pending) over past years, a new type of flavor-emulsifiable oily flavor was introduced, and its manufacture principle and formulatin

Based on lots of material, the water environment characteristics of Wei River in recent 60 years is analyzed to make people know about Wei River all-sided and be aware that regulating Wei River is a crucial and important problem. 摘要本文以大量资料为基础,分析总结了近60年来渭河的水环境特点,旨在使人们全面了解渭河,并意识到渭河整治是迫在眉睫的重大问题。
Based on mainstream ant colony ideas, an unusual sequenced local search and a distance based penalty function are added which result in a method that is convincingly shown to be the best heuristic published for this problem class. 本演算法依据蚁群最佳化之精神建构,并加入一顺序性局部搜寻程序及以距離为考量之惩罚函數为辅助机制。
Based on many years of practical experiences, this paper gives several suggestions on the construction of polystyrene plastered outer wall warm keeping. 本人凭借多年的实践经验,就聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温施工谈几点建议。
Based on many years of practice experience and data accumulation of developing, debugging and using belt constant tonnage feeder, the author introduced bow to select a belt constant tonnage feeder of the right type and specification by calculating the mai 作者结合多年来开发、调试和使用皮带定量给料机的实践经验与资料积累,介绍了如何根据实际需要和使用量程,通过对皮带定量给料机的主要机械参数的计算来合理地选用定量给料机的型号和规格。
Based on many years' observation, this paper expounds the formation causes of cracks in piled wharf surface and preventive measures. 摘要通过多年的现场观察,阐述高桩码头面层龟裂产生的原因及防治措施。
Based on market demands and result from study on new hydrophilic Octyl and Decyl Glycerate edible emulsifier (applications pending) over past years, a new type of flavor-emulsifiable oily flavor was introduced, and its manufacture principle and formulatin 摘要根据市场的需求和基于多年对新的亲水性辛癸酸甘油酯食用乳化剂(正在申报使用待批准中)的研制结果,推出了一种新型的香精-可乳化香精油,并对其制取的原理和工艺、配方进行了研究探讨。
Based on market demands, science and technology, we pay more attention to improve our products technology, and adhere to the cause of “Science and Technology First, Depending on Quality and Credit”, to cooperate with domestic and overseas clients to creat 公司立足市场需求,注重科技开发不断提高产品的科技会计师,我们遵循“科技为先导,质量是生命,信誉唯至高”的宗旨,愿和国内外客户图伟业!
Based on mass data analyses, the changes of sulfur, paraffin, colloid and asphaltene contents of crude oil in profile are studied. 摘要根据大量分析资料,研究了石油中的硫、石蜡、胶质和沥青质在剖面上的变化规律。
Based on mass investigation data, the paper conducted detail empirical research on the raw milk's production organization modes and their economic and technological efficiency, and then probes the organization mode to enhance raw milks production efficien 本文基于大量的调查数据,对上述三种原料奶生产组织模式及其经济效率和技术效率进行深入细致的实证考察,进而探索提高原料奶生产效率的组织化模式和发展方向。
Based on mass-spring model, a method of automatic mode-selecting method is presented to solve the difficulties of selecting corresponding modes close to the excitation frequency, in adaptive perturbation for mistuned bladed disks. 摘要针对自适应摄动法在失谐叶盘受迫振动分析中,选择接近激振力频率的相应模态数目难于控制的问题,基于质量-弹簧模型,提出一种自动选择模态的方法。
Based on massive design experience and site practice and research, this article analyzes the cracking reason and proposes comprehensive technical measures such as strengthening, improvement and protection in the aspect of design and construction. 在经过大量的设计实践和现场实践研究的基础上,分析了裂缝产生的原因,从设计和施工的角度提出了加强、改善、保护等综合技术措施。

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