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At present, problems of disharmony is grave between consumption and environment, which should be solved carefully.

At present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars—it takes months. 眼下,我们的太空飞船太慢了---飞抵火星得花上好几个月,因此想要将大批的人送到那还不太现实.
At present, our universities face dual challenges by internationalization and industrialization. 摘要当前,我国高校面临着国际化和产业化的双重挑战。
At present, personal financing operation is still an ordinary intermediary operation, and it is far from the real handling money in the customers' steadwith few items of option and less individualized services. 摘要目前,银行的个人理财业务还只是一项普通的中间业务,理财业务产品品种少,缺乏个性化服务,并未做到真正的“代客理财”,未发挥其应有的作用。
At present, play therapy is pregnant with innovations: special considerations for the role of play therapists; the double innovations of diagnostic value and therapeutic function; the arise of short-term play therapy; the more special populations in play 目前,游戏治疗自身正孕育著一场革新:日益强调治疗师的角色特徵以及对文化的适应性;游戏的诊断价值与治疗功能的双重变革;短期游戏治疗的兴起;游戏治疗对象的专门化程度日益提高。
At present, prison remoulding work needs urgently a criminal judicature talents' team with high comprehensive quality and practical ability. 摘要目前,监管改造工作急需一支综合素质高、实战能力强的刑事司法人才队伍。
At present, problems of disharmony is grave between consumption and environment, which should be solved carefully. 但当前消费与环境不和谐的问题还比较突出,应认真解决。
At present, problems of lack of recognition, not enough investment and not powerful management exist in higher adult education in ordinary universities. 摘要普通高校的成人高等教育存在认识不到位、投入不到位、管理不到位等问题。
At present, reading plays the most important role in collage English teaching and it is the first necessary in practice, so we must value he reading teaching. 摘要目前,阅读是大学英语教学的重点和切入点,能够很好地促进学习者掌握语言知识。
At present, reforestation is carried out in 24 provinces, autonomous regions, Direct Administrative Municipalities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. 目前,退耕还林工程在24个省、自治区、直辖市和新疆生产建设兵团全面启动。
At present, regional poverty and ecological degradation form a vicious circle. 目前,区域贫困和生态环境退化已形成了恶性循环。
At present, research on low resistivity oil zone has been deepened in microscopic mechanism, but the research for intrinsic relation between the zone and geologic background factors is incomplete and lack of productive forecast and directivity. 摘要目前低电阻率油气层研究面临的问题是微观机理分析较深入,地质背景因素与低电阻率油气层的内在联系探讨不多,缺乏对生产的预测性和指导性。

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