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Although it wasn't the first spaghetti Western, it was far and away the most successful, and shot former TV cowboy Clint Eastwood to stardom.

Although it was so brilliantly fine – the blue sky powdered with gold and the great spots of light like white wine splashed over the Jardins Publiques – Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur. 尽管阳光明媚——蓝天涂上了金色,巨大的光点犹如泼洒在公共花园里的白葡萄酒——布里尔小姐很高兴自己还是决定戴上了狐皮围巾。
Although it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat. 天气虽然很冷,他没有穿大衣就出去了。
Although it was very cold, he went out without a coat. 天气虽冷,他没穿大衣就出去了。
Although it was very cold, he went out without an overcoat. 天气虽然很冷,他却没穿大衣就出去了。
Although it was winter, bright sun shines down in the island, I saw ripply rivers in mountains, deep valleys, blue sky and white cloud, the world is so whisht and quiet, besides vehicles passed, only some buffalos were browsing in leisure, just like Xanad 虽是冬日,但海岛艳阳高照,孱孱的山涧、深邃的山谷、蓝天白云,除了过往的车辆,就只有悠闲吃草的水牛了,一切是这样的静谧安详,如同世外桃源。
Although it wasn't the first spaghetti Western, it was far and away the most successful, and shot former TV cowboy Clint Eastwood to stardom. 虽然它并不是第一部“通心粉西部片”,但它无疑是最成功的一部,并使前电视牛仔克林特·伊斯特伍德一举成名。
Although it will cost much to decontaminate the soil and clean the body of water that has been heavily polluted, obviously it could be seen as a unique spatial resource for urban redevelopment. 这些已经被污染的用地尽管需要花费高昂的代价去整治,但也具有很高的商业开发价值。
Although it's a big company, the director knows all the staff by name. 虽然这是家大公司,但经理就名字上认识所有员工。
Although it's easier said than done, you should quit right away if you're emotionally affected in any way by a losing session. 如果你已经输了很多,那么一旦有人中出一手匪夷所思的好牌,你最好休息一下。
Although it's not the most accurate way to take a temperature, you can also use an oral thermometer for an armpit (axillary) reading. 尽管使用口腔温度计来量腋窝的温度读得的数不是最精确,还是可以采用这种方式。
Although its appearance had profund social,political and economic causes, it was closely related to Wang Shou-ren's psychology theory structure and educational activities. 它的出现,固然有其深刻的社会政治与经济的原因,但与王守仁心学思想的构建及其从事的教育活动,亦有着密切的关系。

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