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1 The informal tea and the many interviews carried on during the year,as well as new ways of reporting pupils progress,can significantly aid achieving a harmonious interplay between school and home.

1 The correspondance or not correspondance of visual perception of the labels with all information about the commodities and barcodes in Russian could be determinated by Buyer . 含俄文产品描述和条形码的标贴的外观可接受和不可接受的程度由买方决定。
1 The device manufacturing method according to claim 13, wherein the generating is performed on the basis of known correspondence between changes in imaging adjustments of the adjustment system and the aberration changes being compensated for by such imag 根据权利要求13的设备制造装置,其中该产生技术是以调节系统的成像调节和通过成像调节系统给予失真补偿的相关已知技术为基础执行操作的.
1 The ethics (and the law in many countries) forbids to make racial, sexual, religious (and others)discriminations. Consequently, a decisional system based on such personal characteristics cannot be built. 注1:道德上(许多国家的法律上)禁止种族,性别,宗教(还有其他)上的歧视。应此,这样的一个基于个人特征的决策系统是不能被建立的。
1 The finance and accounting of the Company shall be handled in accordance with the foreign investment enterprises finance and accounting system provisions stipulated by the Ministry of Finance of PRC. 1公司的财务会计应按照中华人民共和国财政部制定的外资企业财务和会计制度规定办理。
1 The following race schedule is tentative and may be changed by the race organizers. 以下比赛安排为暂定,可能会由比赛组织者更改。
1 The informal tea and the many interviews carried on during the year,as well as new ways of reporting pupils progress,can significantly aid achieving a harmonious interplay between school and home. 在这年中进行的非正式茶话会和多次的接见,作为报告学生进步的新的方式,极大地促进了学校与家庭之间的和谐关系。
1 The laboratory exhaust system includes exhaust duct works, exhaust fan, laboratory fume hood exhaust, laboratory canopy hood and cabinets needed venting. 实验室排气系统包括排气管路、排气风机、实验室通风柜管道、实验室排风罩和特殊存储柜的排气管道。
1 The lad has a large conceit of himeself. 那个小子自命不凡。
1 The left side, arm, hand, club head, golf ball, left leg and left hip are all aligned, a key for solid impact. 身体的左侧手臂、手、杆身、杆头形成一直线是正确击球的关键。
1 The little panda stands for black Olympic ring.He is childlike and outgoing .Jingjing is good at weight sports.His headdress means humans get on well ith nature. 这只小巧的熊猫代表奥运五环中黑色的一环。他天真无邪、友好热情。晶晶擅长举重运动,他的头饰表示人类与自然的和谐。
1 The man named his lawyer as his executor. 那人指定他的律师做他的遗嘱执行人。

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