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A feeble attempt is liable to fail.

A federation or tribe, especially one composed of Native Americans. 部落联盟部落联盟,尤其是由美洲印第安人组成的联盟
A fee charged by a broker for executing a transaction. Also referred to as brokerage fee. 是经纪商对买卖交易收取的费用。也叫作经纪费。
A fee charged by the exchange for each futures or options contract cleared or delivered on the Exchange. 交易所对每一个期货或者期权合约交割所收取的费用。
A fee levied for the use of roads or bridges (used for maintenance). 征收的道路或桥梁的使用费用(用于维修)。
A fee of €17 million (£11.5 million) has been put forward and it appears as though this has been sufficient to convince Bilbao to cash in on the defender. 新的报价是1700万欧元(1150万英镑),即使这样也足以使毕尔巴鄂在这名后卫身上大赚一笔。
A feeble attempt is liable to fail. 愚蠢的尝试多半是要失败的。
A feeble faith in an Almighty Christ will become the great faith that can remove the mountains. 一个软弱的信心在全能的基督里,会变成伟大而能移山的信心。
A feedback and review processs then enables the manager to keep abreast of what the employee actually does and provides an opportunity to jointly assess performance, re-align the job and deciede on the development needs of the employee. 回馈和进程的评论使经理能够与员工的实际工作一致,提供共同评估业绩的机会,从而重新安排工作,并根据员工发展需要做出决定。
A feedforward or open loop method is used to estimate the parameters, and then more accurate feedback or closed loop method is used to complete synchronization. 首先利用前向估测方法对参数进行预估计,在此基础上结合后向反馈方法完成同步。
A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. 忧虑感因危险的出现或迫近而产生的不安或焦虑的情绪
A feeling of excitement or euphoria. 兴奋或兴高采烈的感觉

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