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At intersections, predict a motorcyclist may slow down without visual warning.

At independent operators such as the Sihai service station, where a large professionally printed sign warns that there is no diesel, pumps have been dry since the end of last year. 像独立的石海加油站,那里的一个告示牌表明没有柴油:加油泵自从去年就是干的。
At informal online currency marketplaces, thousands of users helped turn the QQ coins back into cash by selling them at a discount that varies based on the laws of supply and demand. 在零散的在线虚拟货币市场,千万玩家成为Q币和人民币不断朝着可接兑换方向发展的助推手,其兑换比率乃是根据他们对它们的供给与需求。
At information age, university library should utilize one's own advantage fully, expand function to serve society, build the information resources in conformity with market economy, implement commercial operation, make the economic benefits, and achieve o 摘要在信息时代,高校图书馆应充分利用自身的优势,拓展服务社会的功能,建设与市场经济相适应的信息资源,实行商业运作,取得经济效益,实现自身更大的发展。
At international conferences, English is also used as the official language. 在国际会议上,英语也是作为官方语言来使用。
At international sports meets, at meetings of scientists from different countries, and at talks of writers and artists from the corners of the earth, English is the language most commonly used and most widely understood. 在国际体育运动会上,在来自不同国家的科学家的集会上,在来自世界各地的作家和艺术家的会谈中,英语是最为普遍使用和广泛理解的语言。
At intersections, predict a motorcyclist may slow down without visual warning. 在交叉路段,请预期机车会在没有明显警告的情况下降低速度。
At intervals she would stop for a rest. 她不时停下来休息.
At intervals, while turning over the leaves of my book, I studied the aspect of that winter afternoon. 只见远方白茫茫一片云雾,近处湿漉漉一块草地和受风雨袭击的灌木。
At intervals; occasionally. 时常,不时;偶尔地
At issue is a referendum planned to coincide with presidential elections in Taiwan in March next year. 此次争论的核心是计划配合明年3月份台湾“总统选举”的**。
At issue is the resumption of limits on 19 categories of Chinese textiles exported to the United States. 争议的焦点是恢复中国出口到美国的19种纺织品的限额。

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