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A civil lawsuit brought against a legal person or any other organization shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the defendant has his domicile.

A city-wide inspection of steamed bun vendors in the wake of the report had found no such cases, the paper said. 报纸说,由于这则报道,有关部门组织了北京全市范围内的包子摊贩大检查,最终没有发现类似的案例。
A civil action, however, would have to demonstrate only recklessness. 然而,在民事诉讼上,则必须证明买卖只是鲁莽之举才能胜诉。
A civil aircraft lien shall not be extinguished because of the transference of the ownership of the civil aircraft; except that the civil aircraft was the subject of a forced auction sale in accordance with law. 民用航空器优先权不因民用航空器所有权的转让而消灭;但是,民用航空器经依法强制拍卖的除外。
A civil aircraft, in violation of the provisions of Article 75 of this Law, fails to follow the air route and to fly at the altitude specified by the air traffic unit, or in violation of the provisions of Article 79 of this Law, flies across the airspace (二)民用航空器违反本法第七十五条的规定,未按照空中交通管制单位指定的航路和飞行高度飞行,或者违反本法第七十九条的规定飞越城市上空的。
A civil aviation official for the Siberian region where the plane was bound told Russia's NTV television Friday that an air traffic controller in Rostov saw a bright spot approaching the plane before it disappeared from the radar screen. 失事飞机原定飞往的西伯利亚地区的一名民用航空官员透露,罗斯托夫的一名空管工作人员在失事飞机从雷达屏幕上消失前曾看见一个明亮的光点正在接近飞机。
A civil lawsuit brought against a legal person or any other organization shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the defendant has his domicile. 对法人或者其他组织提起的民事诉讼,由被告住所地人民法院管辖。
A civilian in wartime, especially one in a war zone. 平民战争时期的平民,尤指在战争区的平民
A civilian interpreter also was killed in the bombing, which came two days after seven Marines died in the same area during combat with insurgents. 一个平民翻译也在这次炸弹袭击中身亡,两天前在同一区域内与抵抗组织作战中有七名美海军陆战队员身亡。
A civilized government derives comparatively little advantage from taxes unless it can collect them in money: and if it has large or sudden payments to make, especially payments in foreign countries for wars or subsidies, either for the sake of conquering 文明国家的政府若不能征得货币租税,则得自税收的好处便很少,因为如果它要支付大笔意外的款项,特别是如果为了征服别国或不被别国所征服(这在近代以前是国家政策的两个主要目标)而需要在国外支付战费或补助费,则除了货币以外几乎没有别的支付媒介可供此用。
A claim for damage will be filed on us together with your surveyor's report as evidence. 具体索赔要求,将随同公证行的检验报告一起提交我方。
A claim that a vote is invalid or that a voter is unqualified. 选举无效的声明声称某一投票无效或某一投票人不合格

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