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By using the de-interleaving memory combined with memory address computation for the interleaved data, frequency de-interleaving, block de-interleaving and time de-interleaving are performed in one-stage approach in the COFDM receiver.

By using the broadband Internet access, wireless digital communication and computer service and management system, you can connect yourself with the whole world. 酒店具备齐全的配套设施,有酒吧,有商务、票务中心,有桑拿洗浴休闲中心,还有现代化的高档会议室及贵宾接待室。
By using the calculating method of distance from points to the center line according to Document[1], a new optimum calculating method has been proposed in this article, which can simply and successfully solve the problem for selection of existing curve el 利用文献[1]给出的中点到中线垂距计算公式及程序,提出一种新的优化计算方法,能简便而圆满地解决既有曲线要素的选择问题。
By using the cone and partial ordering theory without regarding compactness conditions, it is studied the existence uniqueness of the solutions of some single operator equations, the results presented here improve and generalize some corresponding results 摘要利用锥与半序理论无需考虑紧性条件,研究了几类一元算子方程解的存在唯一性,所得结果改进和推广了增算子方程的某些已知相应结果。
By using the data derived from the permanent plots in Wugong Shan Forest Farm, Jiangxi Province, China, the author of this paper analyzed and contrasted the species diversity and vertical structure between two kind of Chinese fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata(L 根据在江西武功山林场定位研究的调查材料,对以残留物管理育林法和以传统育林法所培育的两种杉木林分,在物种多样性以及垂直结构等方面,进行了对比分析。
By using the data of LAI in 3 years, the equation is greatly authentic. 提出了精确的且唯一确定的归一化方法。
By using the de-interleaving memory combined with memory address computation for the interleaved data, frequency de-interleaving, block de-interleaving and time de-interleaving are performed in one-stage approach in the COFDM receiver. 藉由利用反交错记忆体结合对该记忆体存取位址的计算,频域反交错、区块反交错与时域反交错在正交编码分频多工接收器中以单一阶段技术来执行。
By using the eigenfunction expansion technique, a one-dimension finite element formulation is then developed to determine the eigensolutions to the 2D heat conduction problem at the crack tip, which discretizes the sectorial domain circumferenially. 利用特征方程展开方法,可获得分析裂纹尖端处二维热传导特征解的一维有限元列式。
By using the finite-step iteration of nonlinear compensation sequence, an approximate optimal disturbance rejection control law is obtained. 通过截取非线性补偿序列的有限项,可以得到近似最优扰动抑制控制律。
By using the hydraulic torque converter to drive the mud pump, both the prime motor and the working machine can be protected, and the pump pressure can be controlled in the whole course of drilling if the rated rotary speed of the diesel engines is kept. 通过液力变矩器驱动钻井泵可同时保护原动机和工作机;在保持柴油机额定转速的条件下,可实现泵压的全过程控制。
By using the improved gravity model and gray theory model, the essay makes forecast analysis on future passenger traffic volume of Shjiazhuang-Taiyuan passenger-dedicated line from three aspects, including passenger flow of local line, passenger flow orig 摘要利用改进的重力模型和灰色理论模型,从石太客运专线的本线客流、跨线客流和诱增客流3个方面,分别以客运通道周边城市的GDP和人口分布密度、石太客运通道既有线的旅客运输量、城市间的加权运行时间为影响因子,对石太客运专线的旅客运输量进行预测分析。
By using the inner boundary conditions, a kind of boundary value problem of three dimensional partial differential equations with discontinuous coefficients is transformed into a variational and functional one so that a difficult problem is simplified. 摘要通过使用内边界条件,使一类具有间断系数的三维偏微分方程的边值问题的解法能够转化为变分与泛函极值问题的解法,使复杂方程问题简单化。

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