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“The Research of Social Mobility Mechanism in Contemporary China”, in Luxueyi ed. The Stratification of Chinese Society, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2004.

“The North Bright Pearl” Dalian is located in the east of China. 大连作为北方明珠,屹立在祖的东方。
“The Odyssey”, by Homer, tells the tale of Odysseus's ten-year journey back from the Trojan war to his wife, Penelope. 荷马笔下的“奥德赛”,讲述了奥德修斯从特洛伊战争历经十年返回到妻子帕涅洛普身边的故事。
“The Outing at Bian River in Spring” inside-painted snuff-bottle by Zhang Zeduan, Song Dynasty is the gems of Chinese art. The figures are very vivid. 该作品将宋代画家张择端的《清明上河图》以内画的形式微缩在内画瓶壁上,人物、景色清晰可辨,栩栩如生,画家功力可见一斑,此乃内画艺术之艺术瑰宝。
“The Province-building and Diversification Movement in Western Canada”, Journal of Nankai, No. 3, 2003. 《加拿大西部诸省的省内建设和经济多样化》,载《南开学报》,2003年第3期.
“The Research of Class Conflict and Consciousness in 31 Capital Cities of China”, Social Sciences in China, No.4. 2005. “中国城市社会阶级冲突意识研究”,《中国社会科学》,2005年第4期。
“The Research of Social Mobility Mechanism in Contemporary China”, in Luxueyi ed. The Stratification of Chinese Society, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2004. “中国社会流动机制研究”,载陆学艺主编,《中国社会分层》第5章,社会科学文献出版社2004年版。
“The Rise of China and Community Building in East Asia,” Asian Perspective, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2006, pp.129-148. 《中国与周边国家关系的历史演变:模式与过程》,《国际政治研究》2006年第1期(总第99期),第57-71页。
“The School has research-active staff in all four of its teaching departments, and a number of specialist centres providing a network of support for participants to draw upon. 我们商学院拥有一批非常活跃的研究人员,他们还担任了四大系的授课工作,并且拥有数个由多个专家组成的中心,这些中心为本课程参与者提供网络学习方面的支持。
“The September 2005 statement was a very ambitious agreement dealing with denuclearisation and dealing with some of the problems in the region,” Mr Hill said. “We have got a lot of work to do but we think that if we can get to the first step, that will gi “在撤除核武器和解决该地区某些问题方面,2005年9月的声明是一项非常雄心勃勃的协议,”希尔表示,“我们有很多工作要做,但我们认为,如果我们能开个好头,那将给我们的后续工作提供一些动力。”
“The Sheriff will not have me today.”said Robin Hood. “郡长今天抓不到我。”罗宾汉说道。
“The Spaniards were astonished at these novel maneuvers [by musketeers on skates] upon the ice” (John Lothrop Motley). “西班牙人被这些在冰上的[滑行步兵]进行的大规模战略演习惊得目瞪口呆”(约翰·劳斯路普·莫特利)。

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